Join Small Business Majority, Start Small and Davis Polk & Wardwell for a webinar on commercial leasing basics for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
New Mexico Small Business Owner Highlight

During lockdown, New Mexico transplant Skylar Shafer found herself homesick for the flavors of her New England childhood. Looking to connect herself back to her roots and find a distraction from her emotionally intensive day job as a community support worker, she started Sky’s Sweets, a bakery that specializes in Jewish and Brazilian desserts. Skylar’s role as a small business has helped her feel connected to her New Mexico community while her baking connects her to the community she left behind on the East Coast.
New Mexico Events
In honor of Black History Month, Small Business Majority is spotlighting the success of its African American network members who will share their journeys to success.
New Mexico Policy
Small Business Majority has created a comprehensive state policy agenda to ensure entrepreneurship is at the center of a thriving and inclusive economy in New Mexico.
On January 29, Small Business Majority's Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash submitted a letter of support for HB 7, the Health Care Affordability Fund, to the New Mexico House Committee on Appropriations. This legislation would keep funding levels constant for the Healthcare Affordability Fund, which would ensure the Fund could continue providing affordable coverage to our communi
On January 24, Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash testified in front of the New Mexico House Health and Human Services Committee in support of HB 6, which would create a state-run paid family and medical leave program.
Today, Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash, testified in favor of SB 11, which would establish a state-run paid family and medical leave program in New Mexico. The testimony was before the New Mexico House Commerce and Economic Development Committee.
New Mexico Research

Small business owners know it makes good business sense to care for their employees as this is crucial to hiring and retaining a skilled workforce. However, many small employers struggle to provide benefits like paid family and medical leave, putting them at a disadvantage when competing for talent with large corporations that can afford to offer robust benefits on their own. As state policymakers consider a number of proposals for the 2024 legislative session, a new opinion poll reveals that small businesses support a state-administered paid family and medical leave insurance program in New Mexico.

This report compiles findings from focus groups and roundtable discussions with rural small business owners and other small business stakeholders in four states, as well as the results of a national poll of rural small business owners. The report also features recommendations for policymakers and service providers to increase opportunities for rural entrepreneurs.

New scientific polling in Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi and New Mexico shows small business hiring of lower-level employees is diverse, but more can be done to increase diversity in the hiring of upper-management employees. Additionally, some small employers plan to hire or promote in order to increase the diversity of their high-level workforce within the next few years.
The Paid Family & Medical Leave Act (PFMLA) would help establish the Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) Fund, a program that would be administered by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS). The Fund would be a state-administered paid family and medical leave insurance program to cover leave compensation for a qualifying life event, paid for through modest employee and employer contributions. The program would make paid family and medical leave more affordable and accessible to small business owners and their employees.