Nuevo México Small Business Owner Highlight

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jueves, julio 11, 2024 | 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET

Did you know 70% of women will become pregnant while employed, and 80% of those women will work until the final month of their pregnancy?

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Nuevo México Research

Wed, 01/10/2024

Small business owners know it makes good business sense to care for their employees as this is crucial to hiring and retaining a skilled workforce. However, many small employers struggle to provide benefits like paid family and medical leave, putting them at a disadvantage when competing for talent with large corporations that can afford to offer robust benefits on their own. As state policymakers consider a number of proposals for the 2024 legislative session, a new opinion poll reveals that small businesses support a state-administered paid family and medical leave insurance program in New Mexico.

Tue, 02/12/2019

This report compiles findings from focus groups and roundtable discussions with rural small business owners and other small business stakeholders in four states, as well as the results of a national poll of rural small business owners. The report also features recommendations for policymakers and service providers to increase opportunities for rural entrepreneurs.

Wed, 10/14/2015

New scientific polling in Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi and New Mexico shows small business hiring of lower-level employees is diverse, but more can be done to increase diversity in the hiring of upper-management employees. Additionally, some small employers plan to hire or promote in order to increase the diversity of their high-level workforce within the next few years.