Increase equitable access to capital and opportunities for entrepreneurs
- Improve small business capital programs by working with the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Congress to increase the SBA’s capital and entrepreneurial development programs' capacity to better serve minority-owned businesses, microbusinesses and those in rural communities.
- Promote transparency by enacting federal truth-in-lending disclosure requirements for commercial financing and requiring federal data collection on small business lending.
- Ensure that small businesses have access to procurement opportunities.
- Remove barriers to entrepreneurship by streamlining regulatory processes such as licensing and capital requirements, including those faced by justice-impacted entrepreneurs.
- Expand access to entrepreneurial development, technical assistance and public-private partnerships to ensure that entrepreneurs have access to essential resources.
Read our full access to capital policy recommendations.
Bolster a Main Street-friendly workforce and the creation of quality jobs
- Expand access to quality affordable healthcare by maintaining the current marketplace subsidies, facilitating Medicaid coverage for those in states that have not enacted Medicaid expansion and ensuring the full range of reproductive care for small business owners and employees.
- Advance healthcare cost containment by tackling anti-competitive medical provider consolidation and abusive hospital and drug pricing.
- Foster access to affordable quality childcare for entrepreneurs and their employees.
- Provide access to portable benefits including paid family/medical leave and retirement.
- Expand workforce opportunities for all, including those facing unique barriers such as immigrants and justice-impacted individuals.
Read our full workforce and quality jobs policy recommendations.
Foster a level playing field for American small businesses
- Rein in anti-competitive practices such as non-compete agreements, price discrimination and one-sided franchise agreements.
- Curtail anticompetitive practices by large technology platforms such as self-preferencing, forced advertising and predatory pricing on online marketplaces.
- Implement tax policies that provide bottom-up benefits to small businesses through equitable deductions and tax rates that benefit the smallest businesses as opposed to the wealthy and large corporations, while simultaneously promoting Internal Revenue Service (IRS) modernization to expand small business support and ensure fair tax collection.