Perfiles de Pequeñas Empresas

martes, octubre 22, 2019

Kenitra "Keni" Domínguez estaba decidida a ampliar los beneficios para los empleados de Red Bay Coffee cuando se convirtió en Directora de Gente y Cultura de la compañía de café ecológica a principios de 2018.
"Encontrar buenos beneficios para los empleados requiere tiempo, dedicación y recursos, y antes de venir a Red Bay, no había nadie que trabajara en el área operativa de recursos humanos o gestión de personas, por lo que básicamente estaba empezando de cero", comentó.

Small Business Profile
viernes, abril 26, 2019
Maritza Gomez

Cuando Maritza Gómez no pudo conseguir un trabajo, tomó el asunto en sus propias manos y puso en marcha un negocio.

Maritza, propietaria de MG Custom Printing en Riverside, California, se mudó a los Estados Unidos desde México cuando tenía nueve años. Después de comenzar su negocio, decidió estudiar administración de empresas en la Universidad Estatal de California, San Bernardino. Mientras estaba en la escuela, participó en los programas de administración de empresas en el campus, los cuales desarrollaron aún más su espíritu empresarial.

Small Business Profile
miércoles, octubre 3, 2018

Alfredo Zendejas es copropietario de Accesorios Zendejas junto con su esposa, Leticia Sánchez, en Los Ángeles, California. Una verdadera empresa familiar, Alfredo y Leticia trabajan juntos para diseñar, crear y entregar piezas decorativas personalizadas para cumpleaños de 15 años, bautismos, bodas y otras ocasiones especiales.

Small Business Profile
miércoles, octubre 3, 2018

Kateri Gutierrez cofundadora de Collective Avenue Coffee en Lynwood en 2016, con grandes sueños de lo que el negocio podría hacer por su comunidad. A medida que su negocio creció, este compromiso con la comunidad se ha convertido en la base de Collective Avenue Coffee, desde su estructura empresarial hasta su misión e incluso cómo ha financiado su crecimiento.

Small Business Profile
martes, marzo 14, 2023
Charlotte Garnes

Savannah-based Charlotte Garnes worked for 11 years as a licensed mental health and substance abuse therapist. When she was only two credits away from receiving her Ph.D. in 2013, her life completely changed. She was sentenced to five years in prison as a result of unethical billing practices performed by employees under her supervision. 

Small Business Profile
miércoles, marzo 8, 2023

For the last 25 years, Amber Bilby has been in the childcare industry in one way or another. Her passion for children and her entrepreneurial spirit eventually led her to launch Daycare Home Arvada in 2009, a licensed and home-based childcare center in Arvada, Colo. She opened her doors with the vision to give children in her care the best possible opportunities to thrive in their environment.

Small Business Profile
viernes, febrero 28, 2020
Bobby Price

As a kid, Bobby Price never enjoyed his visits to his neighborhood barbershop, so it makes sense that it never occurred to him to open his own barbershop until much later in life. Even though Bobby has been cutting hair since he was 13, he didn’t become a full-time barber until he became a husband and a father. 

Small Business Profile
miércoles, febrero 19, 2020
Dylan Kelly

The simple need to put food on the table is what drove Dylan Kelly to start his window-washing business. Now nearly 20 years later, it’s his team’s ability to adapt and provide high levels of service that has kept his business thriving. 

Small Business Profile
viernes, febrero 7, 2020
Cassandra Allen-Brown

After a 30-year career as a litigation paralegal, Cassandra Allen-Brown decided on a less conventional retirement, opting not for a sunny beach in Florida—but for a little yarn shop in downtown Denver instead.

Small Business Profile
miércoles, enero 29, 2020
Sadie Tuescher

In 2010, when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted, Sadie Tuescher’s office at her county job in Milwaukee, Wisc. was flooded with people looking for help enrolling in coverage through the new marketplaces created by the law. She was overwhelmed by the influx of clients but quickly adapted and learned everything she could about the new healthcare law. It wasn’t long before her insurance agent husband was calling her daily with questions about the ACA.

Small Business Profile