
Why the ACA is good for small businesses—and America

American business is small business; of the 28 million firms in the United States, just 17,500 are large corporations. Small businesses contribute close to half of our $18 trillion national GDP and contribute nearly 10 percent of the world’s GDP. Yet for all that small businesses do, some lawmakers have made it a mission to destroy one of the biggest victories in decades for American small businesses: the Affordable Care Act (ACA).


ACA repeal could mean a 9-5 gig for this Chicago freelancer

Karin McKie’s extensive resume reads writer, actor, publicist, educator and arts administrator—a true renaissance woman. But one of her proudest titles is small business owner. Karin’s business, Tree Falls Productions, based in Chicago, has been open since the early 1990s and provides a variety of services related to Karin’s creative expertise, primarily for non-profit art organizations and theatres.


Owner of Philly pet store won’t call off the dogs when it comes to fighting ACA repeal

Fifteen years ago, Andrea Deutsch decided to leave her position at a Philadelphia law practice to pursue her dreams of become a small business owner. She opened up a shop in the small town of Narberth, PA called Spot’s—The Place for Paws, where she sells healthy food, treats, toys, and accessories for dogs and cats. Despite starting a new life, this former attorney could not completely sever her ties from the Philadelphia Bar Association. That’s because before the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), they provided her only health insurance option because of her Type 1 diabetes.


The ACA helped me insure my employees and my family

As the owner of Pioneer Overhead Door in Las Vegas, Nevada I wear many hats: I’m the president, the general manager and most of the time I answer the phones. I have a lot of parts to play each day on the job and a lot of responsibility. That’s why I’m grateful for the fact that I haven’t had to worry about purchasing my group health insurance in years.


Why insurance agents can be a big deal for small businesses

As more small businesses look to enhance employee compensation and satisfaction by adding health insurance to their benefit packages, an important partner is an insurance agent specializing in the small group market.

It’s an important relationship, says Michael Lujan Co-founder and chief strategy officer of Limelight Health Inc. in Sacramento, and it’s a relationship not to be entered into lightly.


Good coverage options for small businesses heading into 2017

With the open enrollment period for health insurance rapidly approaching, many small business owners are probably starting to think about their plans for next year – and with lots of recent rumblings about the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) success, some small business owners may be worried about their options. But for California’s small business owners, there’s actually plenty of good news about the ACA.


Small businesses avoiding year-end stress and delays by switching open enrollment to summer time

Scheduling open enrollment for health insurance at the end of the year is akin to driving on the Bay Bridge during rush hour. The journey could be long, slow and more than a little frustrating.

Unfortunately, November and December are exactly the times that many small businesses schedule open enrollment for their employees. Chris Patton, vice president of sales at Covered California for Small Business says open enrollment at the end of the year is a tradition that like many other end-of-year activities can be stressful.


In California, healthy employees create healthy businesses

Many small businesses can’t afford an HR department, which means that benefits – like health insurance, paid leave and retirement – can be difficult and costly to administer. But employee turnover is expensive as well, costing an employer approximately 75 to 150 percent of an employee’s salary. Benefits can be key to reducing employee turnover, increasing employee productivity and ultimately boosting businesses’ bottom lines.


Guest post: Is your business required to offer insurance this year?

Health Insurance Rules Changing In 2016 for Businesses Considered Large; Those With 100 or Fewer Employees Could Still See Big Advantages Through Covered California for Small Business

When it comes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, many employers have to determine if their business is required to offer health insurance to their employees under the law. This requirement varies based on size, and it broadened its scope in 2016.

