Affordable Care Act

New Jersey broker tackles small business healthcare challenges

For small business owners, navigating the insurance market can be a challenge, especially with all the new options and changes from the Affordable Care Act. Thankfully, many professional insurance brokers are dedicated to helping small businesses understand the market. Larry Lewis, who works as an Agency Development Manager with Colonial Life in New Jersey, is one such professional.


What Small Business Owners Should Know About Healthcare Reform

There are many complex policy issues that have a major impact on the small business community. Each week, we’re going to help break one of those issues down so small business owners can stay in the know and remain aware of their stake in these national issues. This week’s Issue Q&A is on healthcare reform.

Q: How has the Affordable Care Act impacted small business access to healthcare?


Lending an Ear to Ohio Small Business Owners

Jackiethia Butsch

Engaging with small business owners on a topic like healthcare is never an easy thing. The terminology is complicated, the law is complex and it’s an incredibly personal issue for many people. What is easy, however, is listening to small business owners’ concerns, and talking them through. Everyone wants to be heard.


Our Unmatched Role in the Upcoming Health Exchange Enrollment

Health insurance marketplaces, being set up under the new healthcare law, will be implemented on Oct. 1. Despite the law being more than 3 years old, anything surrounding it, including these insurance marketplaces–the most important provision for small business owners–remains a hotbed of controversy and confusion for many small business owners. Enter Small Business Majority – the leading organization in the nation in terms of educating small business owners about the Affordable Care Act and these new health exchanges.


Affordable Care Act 101 Weekly Webinar Series

The Small Business Administration and Small Business Majority are launching the Affordable Care Act 101 weekly webinar series.  Each week, SBA representatives will walk through the key pieces of the law so that small business owners can understand the facts and make the most informed decisions they can about providing health insurance for their employees.

This free series will focus on both federal and state provisions to help small business owners understand how the law will affect them. Topics being discussed include:


Setting the record straight on health law’s delayed small business features

John Arensmeyer

This memo was originally issued on April 4, 2013:

The Department of Health and Human Services’ proposal to delay critical requirements for small business health insurance exchanges in some states is a disappointment to Small Business Majority and millions of small businesses. It’s a letdown to small business owners and their employees looking forward to robust, competitive exchanges in 2014. We hope this proposal is recognized as counterproductive and is abandoned.


Help on the Way for Small Businesses Struggling With Health Care Costs

This week marks the third anniversary of the health care law’s passage. Given the amount of airtime the law still gets, it’s hard to believe the Affordable Care Act has been on the books that long. The law continues to generate controversy from the corridors of Capitol Hill to the sidewalks of Main Street, but in fact many important provisions impacting our country’s primary job creators have been quietly helping small business owners better afford health insurance.

