Small businesses in healthcare know ACA repeal will hurt the economy

Shaun Young is the co-founder of Millenefits, a digital staffing agency in Columbus, Ohio. For a monthly fee, small businesses can outsource their online marketing to an expert and in turn, provide healthcare benefits to that self-employed professional.  Shaun’s business philosophy has always been that everyone should have access to healthcare, which is very much in line with the goals of the Affordable Care Act, and that’s why he’s concerned about the Senate’s upcoming vote to repeal the law.

When first starting out, Shaun was able to utilize SHOP, the federal small business health insurance marketplace, where he was able to find plans that were flexible and less discriminatory than those available through private insurers. And although Shaun now receives his insurance through his wife, he was disappointed by the Administration’s proposal announced last month to sunset SHOP’s online enrollment option. Shaun believes this will make it harder for small business owners to pursue their dreams while still having access to healthcare coverage.

However, if the Senate votes to completely undo the law, it will do even more damage to small business owners like Shaun by worsening the growing instability of the health insurance marketplaces. Shaun says, “Having to constantly navigate healthcare is not something business owners have time for. And having inconsistent coverage will slow creativity and inhibit entrepreneurs from taking risks.”

Shaun says that ensuring employees have access to affordable healthcare, especially low-income workers, makes good business sense, as it leads to increased productivity, fewer sick days, and peace of mind. But repealing the law will only hurt the economy, as a new report finds it could cost up to one million jobs.

Furthermore, repeal will create a sense of insecurity for small business owners like Shaun, and will certainly stifle future entrepreneurship. That’s why Shaun hopes the Senate will have the courage to do what the House didn’t—listen to their constituency and drop any further attempts to dismantle the ACA. 

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