South Carolina small businesses support paid family and medical leave

Small Business Majority
Thursday, October 24, 2024

Small business owners across the Palmetto State know it makes good business sense to take care of the people who work for them. However, they often struggle to provide key benefits, including paid family and medical leave, which they believe would help them recruit and retain their workers. With small businesses struggling to compete with large companies that can offer attractive benefits packages, it should come as no surprise that small business owners support establishing a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program that would make it easier for them to facilitate their employees’ access to the paid time off they need to support their families while keeping their jobs.

Veteran food truck owner turns to quick financing to stay afloat during the pandemic

When federal funding programs don’t work for the small businesses they were designed to support, owners may be forced to seek out much riskier avenues to capital in order to keep their doors open. Unfortunately Chef Frisco Thumbtzen in South Carolina is one such example. 

After his military service left him with disabled veteran status, Chef Frisco turned to entrepreneurship. In the military, he worked as a limousine driver and when he was discharged, he was given his own vehicle so he could start up his own transportation business. 


NCSB Progress

NCSB Progress provides a platform for small business leaders concerned that North Carolina’s historical role as a leader in Southern progress is being jeopardized. NCSB Progress helps small business leaders develop sustainable solutions to pressing issues in the state.

Support for energy bill from South Carolina small business owners

Small Business Majority and Main Street Alliance
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Small business owners in South Carolina strongly believe the country needs to move toward clean energy and that new energy policies will transform the economy and help them create new jobs. They support comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation currently being discussed in the US Senate. Support for a climate and energy bill from Senators Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint would be a winner with small business owners back home.

Support for Energy Bill from Small Business Owners

Small Business Majority and Main Street Alliance
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Small Business Majority and Main Street Alliance commissioned opinion surveys of small business owners in 7 states across the country to learn their attitudes toward the clean energy bill being debated in Washington.

The poll showed that among small businesses, there is strong support for the clean energy and climate legislation currently being debated; small businesses believe that moving the country to clean energy is a smart way to restart the economy and help small businesses create jobs. A majority of those polled want their business to be part of a new clean energy economy.