Books, Advocacy and Community: A Kansas entrepreneur’s vision for a better world

Danny Caine never thought his job at a small bookshop in a college town would lead him down a path of entrepreneurship and antitrust advocacy. However, the community the previous owner of Raven Book Store in Lawrence, Kan. fostered really resonated with Danny who feels as though the bookstore is a vehicle for positive change and community enrichment. In 2017, he was able to purchase the shop through a seller-financed loan. 


Small Business Majority joins the Responsible Business Lending Coalition in opposition of Kansas' Commercial Financing Disclosure Act in its current form

On January 23, Small Business Majority Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash sent a letter on behalf of the Responible Business Lending Coalition to Kansas Senate Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance Chair Jeff Longbine in opposition to SB345 as introduced. The Commerical Financing Disclosure Law fails to include annual percent rate (APR) requirements which would provide small business owners with the transparency they need to make informed decisions about financing products.


Tasha Brown

Tasha directs Small Business Majority's outreach, education and policy efforts in the Midwest region from our Chicago office where she focuses on enhancing financial security for small business owners, their employees and their families. 


DeKalb Chamber of Commerce

The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce is a 74 year old membership based organization created to foster business development in DeKalb County. The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce speaks on behalf of the stated interest of the business community located in DeKalb County and its municipalities. The mission of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce is to support, promote, and sustain business development in DeKalb County.

Mid-America GLCC Fills Long-Needed Void for LGBT Business Chamber in the Midwest

In less than three years, the Mid-America Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has skyrocketed from the ground up to become an influential player in the Midwestern LGBT business community.

Founded by Dan Nilsen, CEO of Bishop-McCann, the Mid-America GLCC arose to fill “a big void in the Midwest for a gay and lesbian chamber of commerce,” said Michael Linctecum, executive director of the chamber.
