Our Research: Clean Energy Economy
Small Business Majority commissions opinion research on the national and state levels to determine small business owners’ views on clean energy and climate legislation, and its effect on their businesses and the economy as a whole. We also conduct in-depth economic research analyzing the economic impact of smart state and federal clean energy policies on small firms.
We use both our opinion and economic research to communicate the need for strong small business-friendly clean energy measures to policymakers, and educate small business owners and entrepreneurs on how clean energy legislation and polices shape their bottom line. We also build support among those in the small business community for policies that will help small firms grow their business and make them more financially viable.
Small businesses account for a significant share of Virginia’s economy. For every one large business in Virginia, there are 50 small businesses diligently working to reenergize the state’s economy. These entrepreneurs are doing everything they can to hire, grow and move their businesses forward.
Small Business Owners Support Government Investments in Renewable Energy and EPA Clean Air Standards
Small business owners across the country are working to rebuild our economy. These entrepreneurs, the engine of job creation, are doing everything they can to hire, grow and move their businesses forward.
In the aftermath of the recession, small business owners are doing all they can to shift our economy back into gear. But many of them are still idling, if not completely stalled. To thrive and reach their full potential, small businesses need a more level economic playing field with large businesses—one that makes them better able to create jobs.
America’s small business owners are doing all they can to outlast the condition of today’s economy. These hardworking employers know they need the right kind of help if they are to thrive. That’s why they believe immediate action is necessary to form bold clean energy policies that will prompt innovation, and in effect, stimulate small business and the economy.
In this tough economy, small business owners struggle just to keep their doors open, let alone turn a profit and create jobs.
California’s Global Warming Solutions Act, commonly referred to as AB 32, calls for substantial reductions in the state’s carbon emissions. The impact it will have on the economy, and particularly on small businesses, has spurred tremendous debate as the law is being implemented.
The Clean Air Act is one of the nation's most important environmental laws. It directs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop and enforce regulations addressing a wide range of air quality problems and challenges. However, the EPA’s authority has come under threat from members of Congress that would limit the Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.
Small business owners in Maine strongly believe the country needs to move toward clean energy and that new energy policies will transform the economy and help them create new jobs. They support comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation currently being discussed in the US Senate.
Small business owners in New Hampshire strongly believe the country needs to move toward clean energy and that new energy policies will transform the economy and help them create new jobs. They support comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation currently being discussed in the US Senate.