Majority of Small Businesses Support Ending Subsidies to Oil and Gas Companies
In the aftermath of the recession, small business owners are doing all they can to shift our economy back into gear. But many of them are still idling, if not completely stalled. To thrive and reach their full potential, small businesses need a more level economic playing field with large businesses—one that makes them better able to create jobs. Small business owners know robust economic policies aimed at leveling the playing field would strengthen their bottom lines and enhance their capacity to foster widespread economic growth. That’s why they support eliminating tax breaks for the biggest oil and gas companies even if it means an increase in gas prices—which suggests the benefits of doing so would far outweigh small businesses' costs.
Main Findings
Three-quarters of small business owners, or 73 %, favor ending government subsidies to oil and gas companies. Four in 10 owners are strongly in favor while only 1 in 10 are strongly opposed.
Six in 10 respondents still favor ending subsidies to oil and gas companies even if it means a small increase in gas prices; 32% strongly favor it and only 18% strongly oppose it.
Widespread support for ending oil and gas company subsidies
Would you favor or oppose ending government subsidies to oil and gas companies?