
Small Business Majority Joins Business Groups, Advocates, Officials in Celebrating National Small Business Week

Rhett Buttle

May 20-26 marks National Small Business Week, and over the next several days, Small Business Majority is joining a host of small business advocates and government agencies for events, conference calls and online seminars to honor our leading job creators—small business owners.



POLL: Small Businesses Want Government Investments in Renewable Energy Technologies and Support EPA Clean Air Standards

Mary Huttlinger

Original statement issued April 24, 2012:

Small business owners support government investments in clean energy and believe such investments have an important role in creating jobs and boosting the economy, according to an opinion poll of 600 small business owners in six states released today by Small Business Majority.


Signed Into Law, JOBS Act Provides Hope for Small Businesses Struggling to Access Capital

Rhett Buttle

Original statement issued on April 5, 2012:

The bipartisan Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, signed into law by President Obama today, will help address one of small business owners’ biggest problems: a lack of access to capital.


New Greenhouse Gas Rules Can Create Opportunities for Small Businesses

John Arensmeyer

Original statement issued on March 26, 2012:

Rules proposed today by the Environmental Protection Agency that would limit greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants will help spur innovation and provide opportunities for small businesses to grow. What’s more, rules such as these are supported by a majority of small businesses—our primary job creators.


Bipartisan Transportation Bill Could Drive Small Business Hiring and Growth

Rhett Buttle

Original statement issued on March 14, 2012:

The bipartisan transportation bill passed in the Senate today would create an environment conducive to small business growth if enacted. We applaud senators for working together toward the good of our nation’s entrepreneurs.


Small Businesses Lose Strong Supporter with Snowe’s Retirement

John Arensmeyer

Statement by John Arensmeyer on February 29, 2012:

“Sen. Olympia Snowe has been a strong small business advocate throughout her career.  We’re sorry to see a supporter of the small business community go, especially during these challenging economic times. We appreciate the way she worked on important small business issues in a bipartisan fashion.”

