
President’s Small Business Initiatives Target Entrepreneurs’ Key Areas of Concern

Rhett Buttle

Original statement issued on July 11, 2012:

The president announced today that he will instate a host of executive actions to help small businesses. The actions address key areas of concern for small businesses, including the lack of available credit, which plagues countless entrepreneurs trying to grow their businesses and create jobs.


Tax Reform Will Help Level Economic Playing Field for Small Businesses

John Arensmeyer

Statement by John Arensmeyer on February 22, 2012:

The president’s tax reform plan announced today is exactly what small business owners have been asking for. It will create a more level financial playing field for small and large firms, promoting healthy competition that stimulates the economy.


The State of Small Business: Credit and Jobs Must be Addressed

John Arensmeyer

For too long, small businesses have been struggling to bear the brunt of the recession. Lending has all but dried up for small employers, and too many lawmakers are spending more time playing politics than working to pass smart legislation to help them. If small businesses are going to help fix our country’s employment problem, they need increased access to credit and smart jobs legislation. How do we know small business owners feel this way? We asked them.


Time for the power sector to get to work

John Arensmeyer

By John Arensmeyer, Small Business Majority, and Mindy Lubber, Ceres

The word on the street is the recession is behind us, but times are still tough. The economy is stagnant and businesses of all sizes are still trying to weather the economic storm that forced many to close their doors and left countless workers unemployed.

