America’s SBDC and Venturize ask the tough questions about becoming loan ready


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In celebration of our new partnership with America’s SBDC, Venturize co-hosted a Twitter chat during National Small Business Week to talk about the top tips and resources to help small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs become loan ready. We were happy to be joined by our friends at Intuit QuickBooks, the New Jersey Business Action Center, Small Business Majority, BIGG Success and BizBuySell. There were also a number of SBDCs that participated, including the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center, New York SBDC, University of Minnesota Center for Economic Development and Temple University SBDC.

Below is a brief recap of the questions and a sample of the great tips and information shared during the chat:

Q1: What are the different options out there for small business owners looking for credit? What types of lenders and credit products are available to small business borrowers?

New York SBDC @nysbdc

A1: Loans through commercial banks are the most common. Other options include economic development loans, which are usually low-interest microloans available through local or regional organizations, private equity investors & crowdfunding. #SmallBizChat #SBDC #SmallBusinessWeek

Intuit QuickBooks @QuickBooks

A1: We’ve identified the pros and cons of the 5 most common ways business owners can fund future #growth. One option: a working capital business loan, read on here: #SmallBizChat

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