Mariette Martinez

Mariette Martinez
Owner, Mariette Martinez EA

Mariette Martinez is the founder of MasterYourBooks, a learning center and collaborative community that serves value-driven service professionals that are ready to build their financial confidence, knowledge, and impact from the Inside Out. MasterYourBooks take intentional entrepreneurs from theory to practice through action-based learning, real-time implementation and peer mentorship.

Mariette is an entrepreneur and mother of three who began her entrepreneurial roots at a young age. She was raised in a family-owned restaurant business, solely owned by her mother. She believes in the fundamental principle that no business should be left behind due to the lack of financial support and business literacy to support their dreams and goals. She worked through college at a boutique accounting firm and it was there where she learned the importance of reaching entrepreneurial success with the support and knowledge of heart-centered professionals. In 2009, she became an IRS Enrolled Agent (EA) and opened her practice, which focuses on helping microbusinesses reach their financial dreams by empowering them with business, financial and tax literacy. After more than 20 years of supporting small businesses, her journey has evolved from practitioner to educator. Her current passion is to create widespread awareness of the importance of financial and business literacy to support long-term business success and generational wealth. She partners with small business champions, including Intuit QuickBooks, and other small business advocates to support small business success.