Utah Small Business Owners Join 100 Others in DC to Talk Healthcare Reform at Capitol, White House

For Immediate Release: 
Monday, November 2, 2009

Utah Small Business Owners Join 100 Others in DC on Nov. 3 to Discuss Need for Healthcare Reform with Congress Members and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Washington DC, Nov. 2, 2009: Three Utah small business owners will join a group of more than 100 other small business owners in Washington, DC, on Nov. 3, where they will spend the day speaking about small businesses need for healthcare reform with their Congressional representatives on Capitol Hill, and with US Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at the White House. Betsy Burton, owner of King's English Bookstore in Salt Lake City, Dulci Beaslin, owner of Nail Jazz in Holladay and Scott Baker, president of the Murray Chamber of Commerce, will accompany other small business owners from 24 states to DC. They will start the day on Capitol Hill meeting with their representatives, and cap it off with a visit to the White House, where Sebelius will brief them on healthcare. Our elected officials need to hear that it's essential to small businesses that our broken healthcare system is fixed now, said Betsy Burton, who is absorbing double digit increases every year on her employees healthcare premiums. I've had employees working for me for decades; not providing them with healthcare just isn't an option. But costs are out of control. I want to look into my elected officials eyes and tell them how badly we need reform. This small business Day in DC is sponsored by: American Booksellers Association, American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA), Business Forward, Consumers Union, Employee Benefits Cooperative (AEBC), Main Street Alliance, National Council of Asian American Businesses, National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, New Voice of Business, Massachusetts Fishermen's Partnership, Small Business Majority, U.S. Public Interest Research Group.

About Small Business Majority Small Business Majority is a national nonprofit organization focused on solving the single biggest problem facing America's 27 million small businesses: the skyrocketing cost of healthcare. It conducts extensive opinion and economic research and works with small business owners, healthcare policy experts and elected officials nationwide to bring nonpartisan small business voices to the public policy table. About Utah Health Policy Project (UHPP) UHPP is a nonpartisan, 501-C-3 nonprofit organization whose vision is for a health care system that provides medically necessary care to all Utah residents in a timely, efficient, and culturally effective manner with sustainable financing. UHPP hosts the Utah Business Group on Health (UBGH) is an emerging alliance of Utah small business owners and associations dedicated to comprehensive health reforms. Health reform starts with small business owners and their employees because our economic vitality increasingly depends on small businesses' ability to provide affordable health care coverage.