Quote: More than 250 small businesses & business organizations support the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

For Immediate Release: 
Friday, August 5, 2022

Quote from John Arensmeyer, Founder & CEO of Small Business Majority, on small business owner and  business organization support for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

“Small businesses are not looking for a handout; they want a level playing field. The provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will strengthen the small business ecosystem by closing unfair corporate tax loopholes and ensuring that quality, affordable healthcare is accessible to more small businesses and their employees. Hundreds of small businesses agree and joined us in support of this critical legislation that will provide a boost to entrepreneurs and support a sustainable recovery from the pandemic.”

About Small Business Majority

Small Business Majority is a national small business organization that empowers America's diverse entrepreneurs to build a thriving and equitable economy. We engage our network of more than 85,000 small businesses and 1,500 business and community organizations to deliver resources to entrepreneurs and advocate for public policy solutions that promote inclusive small business growth. Our work is bolstered by extensive research and deep connections with the small business community that enable us to educate stakeholders about key issues impacting America’s entrepreneurs, with a special focus on the smallest businesses and those facing systemic inequities. Learn more about us on our website and follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

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