Like General Public, Small Businesses Support Carbon Emissions Standard

For Immediate Release: 
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Statement by John Arensmeyer, founder and CEO of Small Business Majority, regarding small business support for the carbon emissions standard established under the Clean Air Act

Scientific polling shows small business owners support national standards to oversee unlimited emissions of greenhouse gases, and today it was announced that more than 3 million comments were collected in support of the Carbon Pollution Standard during the public comment period.

According to Small Business Majority's recent opinion polling, a solid majority of small businesses, 76 percent, favor the EPA's rule for new power plants to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. What's more, 56 percent would still support this standard even if it means an increase in utility rates.

Small business owners understand the clean energy economy is rife with business opportunities. In fact, the vast majority of them believe investing in clean energy can stimulate the economy and create jobs now. Despite strong small business support, efforts to set standards reducing carbon emissions continue to be blocked. And that comes at the expense of our economic future.

The overwhelming small business support for the Carbon Pollution Standard, coupled with today's announcement of more than 3 million comments in support of it, should encourage policymakers to ensure this important standard is safe from attacks to erode it for years to come.

Who is the Small Business Majority?

Small Business Majority is a national small business advocacy organization, founded and run by small business owners, to support America's 28 million small businesses. We conduct extensive opinion and economic research and work with our rapidly growing network of small business owners across the country to ensure their voices are an integral part of the public policy debate. Learn more about us on Wikipedia and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We also host the Health Coverage Guide, an independent, unbiased source of information for small businesses about health insurance.