Today, Small Business Majority submitted a letter of support for HB 2174, which would establish an automatic enrollment payroll deduction individual retirement account (IRA) retirement savings program in Virginia. This would be an important step to support small business owners and their employees who are unable to access traditional retirement benefits.
Policy Statements
On January 21, CEO John Arensmeyer submitted a letter of support for the nomination of Isabel Guzman to head the Small Business Administration (SBA) to leaders of the Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship.
Small Business Majority submitted written testimony during Virginia's General Session in support of HB 1787, which would establish an state income tax exclusion for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) borrowers. Small Business Majority called on the House Committee on Finance to support the legislation as it would help small buisnesses by creating parity in how PPP funds are treated at the federal and state level.
Today, Small Business Majority sent a letter of opposition to the Virginia Assembly opposing SB 1341, association health plans. These plans would have negative impacts on the marketplace- and consequently on small businesses that already struggle with healthcare costs. Ensuring strong and robust individual and small group healthcare marketplaces is vitally important to Virginia's entrepreneurs because this is essential to keeping costs down for business owners and their employees.
Today, Small Business Majority submitted a letter regarding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's proposals under consideration for the implementation of Dodd Frank Section 1071. Successful implementation of Section 2071 would ameliorate the systemic barriers that women business owners and entrepreneurs of color face when attempting to access capital to start, grow and sustain their enterprises.
Small Business Majority has released its comprehensive state policy agenda to ensure entrepreneurship is at the center of a thriving and inclusive economy in Virginia during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s critical that state lawmakers enact both short- and long-term policies to support and empower these entrepreneurs by guaranteeing that they have access to capital to maintain and pivot their business, affordable and quality healthcare and the tools and benefits they need to sustain themselves now and in the future.
Today, Phillip "Ace" Jones submitted his support for the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity's disparity study. As an African American small business owner, Phillip knows first-hand why it's critical to help illuminate the barriers women- and minority-owned small businesses face in the Commonwealth.
Today, Small Business Majority submitted testimony to the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity who, along with BBC Research and Consulting, are conducting a disparity study in Virginia. A disparity study is an essential first step towards passing policy solutions that would allow more women- and minority-owned small businesses to compete on a level playing field with other businesses.
Today, Small Business Majority sent a letter to Congressional leaders urging them to pass a comprehensive and robust COVID-19 relief package. This week kicks off National Small Business Week when just last week, new data revealed small businesses across the country are closing permanently. The consequences of not passing a relief package that includes more funding for small businesses would be catastrophic.
On September 16, Small Business Majority submitted a letter to Secretary of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar, Secretary of U.S. Department of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, Administrator of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Seema Verma, and Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy David J. Kautter expressing concern over how Georgia’s Section 1332 waiver could make affordable health care less accessible to Georgia small business owners.