On October 17, Small Business Majority and Good Business Colorado submitted comments to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment on proposed rules for private plans in the Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. The FAMLI program is an essential program for Colorado, which will provide employees of small businesses with access to paid family leave, and help small firms compete with larger companies.
Policy Statements
On August 29, small businesses and business organizations signed their names to a letter urging Governor Newsom to make worker-funded Paid Family Leave (PFL) and State Disability Insurance (SDI) more accessible to California’s low-wage workers. The letter outlines how California’s PFL program can level the playing field for California small business owners who want to provide quality jobs for their workers.
On August 13, Small Business Majority submitted a letter to California Governor Newsom in support of Senate Bill 1126, which will enable the CalSavers Retirement Savings Program to achieve its mission of ensuring all Californians have a path to financial security in retirement.
Small Businesses and Business Organizations add their name in support of the Inflation Reduction Act
Today, hundreds of small business owners and business organizations added their names to a letter urging Congress to pass the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The letter outlines how small businesses stand to benefit from the legislation, namely by improving access to healthcare, increasing tax enforcement on large corporations, and making meaningful climate change investments.
On August 5, Small Business Majority's Colorado Director Lindsey Vigoda submitted recommendations to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), concerning the proposed benefits rules of the Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. FAMLI will give small businesses a competitive advantage over large corporations, but only when CDLE considers the challenges and circumstances surrounding the small business ecosystem.
On August 1, Small Business Majority's Colorado Director Lindsey Vigoda submitted comments to the Colorado Division of Insurance concerning the rate review process of the Colorado Option's small group market filings, which could impact small business participation in the standardized health benefit plans.
Today, John Arensmeyer, CEO and founder, submitted a letter to Congressional leadership offering strong support for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The Inflation Reduction Act's provisions would improve access to healthcare, increase tax enforcement on large corporations, and make meaningful climate change investments.
Small Business Majority submitted a letter to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency regarding the proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act. We are pleased with the revisions made to the rule based on feedback from our organization and other stakeholders.
Today, John Arensmeyer submitted a letter to Chairwoman Waters (D-CA-29) and Ranking Member McHenry (R-NC-10) of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services urging passage of HR 6814. The Small Business Fair Debt Collection Act extends protections under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) to small businesses with loans or obligations that are less than $2.5 million to ensure debt collectors have guardrails on what they can do to collect these debts.
Today, John Arensmeyer testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship at a hearing, "The Small Business Workforce Challenge: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions." More than two years into the pandemic, small businesses are slowly rebuilding but need a vibrant stable workforce to fully recover. Entrepreneurs, especially those in under-resourced communities, need an array of support to address labor shortages and ensure employees are able to come back to the workforce. Mr.