On January 10th, Small Business Majority submitted a letter to the House Paid Leave Working Group, providing feedback and recommendations on two recent discussion drafts—the Paid Family Leave Public-Private Partnerships Act and the Interstate Paid Leave Action Network (I-PLAN) Act—designed to expand nationwide access to paid family and medical leave.
Policy Statements
On December 19, Small Business Majority sent a letter to congressional leadership urging Congress to work together to avoid a government shutdown and provide emergency funding to SBA to support the thousands of businesses across the nation waiting on disaster relief funding. Since the Small Business Administration (SBA) announced that it had exhausted funds for its disaster loan program in October, more than 20,000 approved disaster loan applicants are awaiting nearly $1.5 billion in relief which cannot be made available to them until Congress acts.
On December 18, Small Business Majority submitted comments in support of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) proposed rule to expand the use of the Rule of Two in multiple award contracts (MACs) to be required whenever MACs can be reasonably met by small businesses. The Rule of Two states that if there is a reasonable expectation that at least two small firms have the ability to complete the work in a quality and cost-effective manner, that contract must be set aside for a small business.
On December 18, Small Business Majortiy Colorado Director Hunter Nelson submitted comments to the Colorado Division of Insurance in support DRAFT proposed regulation 4-2-XX: Colorado Option Standardized Health Benefit Plans in the Small Group Market.
On December 10, Small Business Majority submitted comments in support of a proposed rule issued by the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and of the Treasury which would require most group health plans and health insurance issuers to cover over-the-counter contraceptives without cost sharing or requiring a prescription.
On November 25, Small Business Majority Colorado Director submitted comments to the Prescription Drug Affordability Board in support of affordability reviews of prescription drugs in Colorado.
On November 19, Small Business Majority Founder and CEO John Arensmeyer testified before the Joint Economic Committee at a hearing titled “Building on the Success of TCJA: The 2025 Tax Policy Debate.” John’s testimony highlighted the shortcomings of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) for small businesses and the need to implement equitable, bottom-up tax reforms which deliver real benefits for the smallest, most under-resourced businesses ahead of the forthcoming expiration of several TCJA provisions in 2025.
On November 12, Small Business Majority and Evan Starr, economist and Associate Professor of Management and Organization at the University of Maryland’s Robert M. Smith School of Business, filed an Amicus Brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit which underscores the FTC’s authority to enforce their final rule to restrict the use of non-compete agreements, which encourages entrepreneurship, small business growth, and workforce development on Main Street.
On November 8, Small Business Majority Colorado Director Hunter Nelson submitted comments to the Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI) in support of draft proposed new regulation 4-2-XX: Concerning Transparency in Coverage Reporting Requirements.
On October 29, Small Business Majority Colorado Director Hunter Nelson submitted comments on proposed amendments to Colorado's FAMLI program.