Small Business Majority writes in support of AB 4, which would extend MediCal, which provides healthcare to qualified low-income individuals, to all individuals who would be otherwise eligible if not for their immigration status. Extending this coverage would drastically decrease the number of remaining uninsured in the state, as roughly 1.4 million undocumented Californians are without healthcare coverage (half of the total uninsured).
Policy Statements
Colorado Director Hunter Railey testifed in support of HB19-188 or the Family Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI) Act, which would create a study to assess the feasibility and necessary steps to implement a paid family and medical leave program in Colorado. This study will be crucial in setting up future legislation in the state legislature to create such a plan.
Small Business Majority submitted a letter of support to the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship on S. 1077, the NEW START Act, which creates a reentry program within the U.S. Small Business Administration to award grants to organizations, or partnerships between organizations, to provide business counseling and entrepreneurial development training to returning citizens.
Colorado Director Hunter Railey testifies in support of SB19-173, which would establish the Colorado Secure Savings Plan Board to study the feasibility of a program that allows private-sector employees to contribute to an individual retirement savings account through modest payroll deductions. Such a plan would help small business owners offer retirement savings benefits at no added cost to their business.
Colorado Director Hunter Railey testifies in support of HB19-1168, which authorizes Colorado to seek a state innovation waiver from the U.S.
Small Business Majority writes in support of AB 1611 concerning out-of-network emergency room bills, or surprise billing. The legislation would extend protections for consumers receiving emergency care and ensure that they are not billed for more than their in-network cost sharing responsibilities. Additionally, AB 1611 will help control overall costs by preventing hospitals from setting payment higher than 150% of the Medicare rate or the average contracted rate paid by the specific health insurer for the same services in the same region.
Colorado Director Hunter Railey testifies in support of HB19-1174, which addresses suprise out-of-network billing. The bill would require healthcare providers and facilities to disclose service performed by out-of-network providers and disclose the claims and payments process. It would also require consumers receive easy to understand notifications of their rights regarding bills from out-of-network providers, and sets “reasonable rates of payment” for these out-of-network providers.
Small Business Majority writes in support of SB 534, which encourages supplier diversity across insurance industries in California, creating opportunities for minority-owned small businesses. Minority small business ownership is growing at a significantly higher rate than other small businesses, and diverse entrepreneurs in particular represent enormous economic power within California. This legislation will ensure more dollars spent by California’s insurance companies go to businesses owned by diverse entrepreneurs, strengthening the state's economy overall.
Small Business Majority writes in support of AB 1577, which would encourage increased local partnerships between public agencies and technical assistance providers to microenterprises. Increased partnership between government agencies and technical assistance centers will encourage vital investment in California’s job creators and chief exporters, particularly helping women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of color. Indeed, increasing input from microenterprise development agencies into government programs will improve effectiveness of government programs.
On April 1, Small Business Majority filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to uphold the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, which is being challenged in Texas v. United States. In the brief, Small Business Majority contended that even though the ACA’s individual mandate penalty has been repealed, the healthcare law’s remaining components must be upheld in full because the ACA is critical to the success of small businesses, solo entrepreneurs and their employees.