Small Business News

| Small Biz Florida

In this episode of Small Biz Florida, your host Tom Kindred sits down with Antonio Aguilar, representing Small Business Majority, to discuss the organization's dedication to supporting Hispanic-owned and operated businesses during Hispanic Heritage Month.

| Senator Patty Murphy

“The initial childcare stabilization funds were a lifeline for entrepreneurs working to keep their doors open during the pandemic,” said John Arensmeyer, Founder & CEO, Small Business Majority. “These funds proved critical for small business childcare providers, as well as small employers struggling to maintain their workforce.”

| Think with Lucie

Interview with Bianca Blomquist, California Policy Director & Northern California Outreach Director at Small Business Majority, to discuss state of small businesses in California.

| Governing

In July, though, the Small Business Majority said that its polling on SB 616 found that an overwhelming majority of small business owners, some 85 percent, support expanding guaranteed annual paid sick days from three days to as many as seven. The organization noted that owners have concerns about their employees’ finances as well as their own.

| Providence Business First

In fact, the nonprofit Small Business Majority found nearly one in three small businesses couldn’t survive for more than three months without additional capital or a change in business conditions.


Most businesses in the United States are small businesses. Small business owners may struggle when encountering obstacles that prevent their businesses from growing. Small Business Majority works to help small business owners overcome barriers to success. It provides entrepreneurs with tailored educational resources.

| The Sum & Substance

But while more than 30,000 buyers on the individual market chose a Colorado Option plan, just 142 participants in the small-group market made the same choice, Vigoda said — a particularly eye-popping number because so many of the state’s businesses are small.

| California Work & Family Coalition

As a small business owner, I’m happy to support SB 616 because I care about the health and well-being of my staff,” said Catherean Mitchell, co-founder and owner of Mitchells Transport. “Small Business Majority research has found that most California small business owners support expanding guaranteed annual paid sick days from three to seven. Increasing paid sick days is not only the right thing to do, but it also levels the playing field with bigger businesses that can undercut small businesses on costs and the number of benefits offered. This bill makes sense.

| American Banker

"These small business owners sustain our local economies. … They're the fabric of our community," said Bianca Blomquist, California policy director at the advocacy group Small Business Majority, adding that the rule will add "much-needed oversight."


“Sometimes people do not talk about that part of their industry: of being overwhelmed,” said Sarita Ford, a social worker and therapist in Baltimore, who specializes in work-related mental health issues.
