Family Medical Leave

Un Programa de Seguro de Licencia Familiar y Médica en Georgia: Lo que empresarios necesitan saber

En el estado de Georgia, 1.2 millones de pequeñas empresas emplean casi la mitad de la fuerza laboral total del estado. Muchos de estos pequeños empleadores quieren ofrecer beneficios robustos como la licencia remunerada familiar y médica porque les ayuda a competir con empresas más grandes por talento laboral. Pero este beneficio conlleva un costo económico alto que simplemente no pueden afrontar por sí solos mientras tratan de mantenerse a flote.


Programa de Seguro de Licencia Familiar y Médica (FAMLI) de Colorado: Lo que los empresarios necesitan saber

Los votantes de Colorado aprobaron la Proposición 18 en noviembre de 2020, abriendo el camino para un programa estatal de Seguro de Licencia Familiar y Médica (FAMLI). FAMLI permitirá que los pequeños empleadores de Colorado faciliten el acceso a licencia pagada a sus empleados cuando lo necesiten. Esto es crítico para las pequeñas empresas y sus empleados y una iniciativa bienvenida en Colorado.


Programa de Licencia Familiar Remunerada de California

El programa de Licencia Familiar Remunerada de California (PFL, por sus siglas en inglés) brinda beneficios de reemplazo de salario a los trabajadores que necesitan tomarse un tiempo libre del trabajo para vincularse con un nuevo hijo o para cuidar a un familiar gravemente enfermo.

Este documento está previsto para responder cualquier pregunta que los pequeños empleadores puedan tener sobre el programa PFL de California y sus efectos en los propietarios de pequeñas empresas y sus trabajadores.


New York State Paid Family Leave Program: What Small Businesses Need to Know

New York has established a paid family leave insurance program that will enable workers to take up to 12 weeks of paid time away from work in order to care for a loved one or bond with a new child. The New York State Paid Family Leave Program is funded by modest employee contributions, and employees who take leave will be guaranteed job protection.

This document is intended to answer any questions small employers in New York might have about the program and its effects on small business owners and their employees.


Paid Family Leave in Connecticut: What Small Businesses Need to Know

Current Connecticut law only provides unpaid leave for certain employees who need to take time off from work to bond with a new child or to care for a seriously ill child, spouse or family member. However, many workers cannot afford to take extended unpaid leave, and some small employers are unable to provide paid leave benefits to their employees for an extended period of time.

A paid family leave insurance program would allow Connecticut employees to contribute to a state-administered insurance program that would help provide paid leave to working adults who need time off to care for a seriously ill family member or to bond with a new child. This would allow small businesses that previously could not afford to offer paid leave to provide an extra benefit to their employees.

This document is intended to answer any questions small employers might have about the importance of establishing a paid family leave insurance program in Connecticut, and the effects this would have on small business owners and their workers.


The Need For Paid Family Leave in Colorado

Colorado’s family leave program currently only provides unpaid leave for certain workers who need to take time off from work to bond with a new child or to care for a seriously ill family member. However, many workers cannot afford to take extended unpaid leave, and some small employers are unable provide paid leave benefits to their employees for an extended period of time.


The FAMILY Act: What Small Businesses Need to Know

Sponsored by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), the proposed Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMILY) Act would create an insurance program enabling workers to take up to 12 weeks of paid time away from work in order to care for a loved one or bond with a new child.

This document is intended to answer any questions small employers might have about the proposed program and its effects on small business owners and their workers.


New York Small Businesses Support Publicly Administered Family and Medical Leave Insurance Pools

Small Business Majority
lunes, diciembre 16, 2013

Small business owners in the Empire State have been working tirelessly to pull the state’s economy back from the brink of the Great Recession. The long hours and commitment they put into their businesses are rivaled only by their employees, whose hard work is crucial to the success of the business. That’s why New York small business owners feel it makes good business sense to take care of their employees, as it’s crucial they retain a loyal, talented workforce.

Small Businesses Support Family Medical Leave

Small Business Majority
viernes, septiembre 27, 2013

Small business owners have been working tirelessly to pull the economy back from the brink of the Great Recession. The long hours and commitment they put into their businesses is rivaled only by their employees, whose hard work is crucial to the success of the business. That’s why small business owners feel it makes good business sense to take care of their employees, as it’s crucial they retain a loyal, talented workforce.

Small Businesses Overwhelmingly Support Family Medical Leave Act

Small Business Majority
martes, febrero 5, 2013

Signed into law on Feb. 5, 1993, the Family Medical Leave Act allows eligible employees of covered employers to take a limited amount of unpaid, job-protected leave for certain family and medical reasons, and have their benefits maintained. Twenty years later, scientific opinion polling has found small businesses strongly support the decades-old law.
