Entrepreneurs Believe Climate Change a Problem that Can Hurt Small Businesses, Disrupt Economy

Small Business Majority
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Extreme weather and climate change have become real business threats for small businesses across the country. Scientific opinion polling conducted for Small Business Majority found nearly six in 10 small businesses believe climate change and extreme weather events are an urgent problem that can disrupt the economy and harm small businesses. 

While climate change has inflamed partisan debate, it’s important to note that small businesses don’t see this through an ideological lens. The political breakdown of the poll was varied, with 37% identifying as Republican, 30% identifying as Democrats and 33% as independent.

Key Findings

Small businesses believe climate change and extreme weather are an urgent problem that can disrupt the economy and harm small businesses: 57% of small businesses believe climate change and extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy are an urgent problem that can disrupt the economy and harm small businesses. Four in 10 strongly believe this.

Owners agree climate change and extreme weather is an urgent problem that disrupts the economy and hurts small businesses

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Climate change and extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy are an urgent problem that can disrupt the economy and harm small businesses?

One-third of small business owners across the country have been affected or know someone affected by extreme weather: One-third (34%) of small business owners have personally seen examples of extreme weather impacting their small business, or someone around them.

 One-third of small firms have personally seen examples of extreme weather impacting their small business

Have you personally seen examples of extreme weather impacting your small business or those around you, or not?

Small business owners believe the Small Business Administration should track small business claims related to extreme weather events to increase government aid to small businesses: 42% of small businesses believe the SBA should track small business claims related to extreme weather events as a way to increase the amount of aid the government provides small businesses affected by such events; 21% were not sure whether this should be tracked and 37% said it should not.

Four in 10 small businesses believe the SBA should track small business claims related to extreme weather events as a way to increase the amount of government aid given to small firms

Do you think the Small Business Administration SHOULD track small business claims related to extreme weather events as a way to increase the amount of aid the government provides small businesses affected by such events, or not?

Press Release
