Our Research

Monday, September 25, 2017 | National
Working Mom

Small Business Majority released a scientific opinion poll that found small business owners and their employees are impacted by a lack of access to high-quality, affordable child care. Further, the poll showed that a majority of small businesses support expanding federal programs to increase access to child care through both direct federal assistance and expanded tax credits to help working families struggling with the cost of child care.

Thursday, March 30, 2017 | National
Family Leave

Small Business Majority released a scientific opinion poll that found the majority of small businesses support publicly-administered paid family and medical leave insurance programs, which would allow employees to receive partial income when they need to take time off to recover from a serious illness or care for a new child or sick family member. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017 | National
ACA Poll

Small Business Majority scientific opinion polling found small businesses favor the Affordable Care Act over the Republican replacement plan, the American Health Care Act (AHCA) by a 2:1 ratio.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 | National

Scientific opinion polling shows freelancers and self-employed entrepreneurs are doing reasonably well financially in the post-recession economy, but many are not able to save for retirement. As a result, they support portable retirement vehicles that address the flexible nature of their work.

Thursday, December 15, 2016 | CO
LGBT flag

On December 15, Small Business Majority released a new scientific opinion poll that found a majority of Colorado small businesses believe business owners should not be allowed to deny services to LGBT individuals based on the owner’s religious beliefs, including for wedding-related services.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 | National

It’s no secret that big businesses struggle to find skilled and credentialed employees. But this issue also impacts our nation’s job creators: small businesses. New scientific polling shows small businesses around the country believe lack of education, experience and training is one of biggest challenges they face when it comes to hiring and employment, and they’re willing to act to ensure they have the skilled workers they need to run their businesses.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 | National
Prescription Drugs

Historically, small businesses have faced punitive healthcare costs, paying on average 18% more than their large business counterparts. This places an economic burden on small business owners and their employees that has led to distressingly high numbers of uninsured or underinsured workers. New scientific polling shows the rising cost of prescription drugs also are becoming a major concern for our nation’s small business owners. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016 | CO

Colorado small business owners soundly reject efforts to increase the interest rates lenders can charge on certain consumer loans, and the results of a new Small Business Majority poll of state small business owners strongly suggest state legislators who support such increases would pay the price at the election booth.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016 | National

The Antiquities Act of 1906 authorizes protection of public lands through national monument designation. At the time this report was written, President Obama had designated 17 new national monuments and two monument expansions. This preservation of public lands benefits local economies and small businesses as they attract visitors to these often-rural areas.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 | CA
CA Retirement Infographic

A scientific opinion poll released by AARP and Small Business Majority shows a strong majority of California small business owners support the creation of a voluntary, portable retirement savings program that would allow employees to more easily save for their financial future. What's more, small business owners believe offering such a program to their employees would give their business a competitive edge.
