
Colorado SecureSavings: Lo que las pequeñas empresas necesitan saber

Colorado SecureSavings es un nuevo programa estatal de ahorro para la jubilación en el lugar de trabajo creado por la Junta de Colorado SecureSavings. El programa está diseñado para ayudar a los empleadores y empleados de Colorado a establecer contribuciones de nómina automáticas a una cuenta de jubilación individual (IRA) Roth y ahorrar para el futuro. Colorado SecureSavings es un beneficio adicional que se ofrece y no tiene costo para los empleadores.

A continuación puede encontrar una descripción general de lo que las pequeñas empresas necesitan saber sobre el programa.


Justice-impacted entrepreneur highlights the importance of second-chance hiring

Savannah-based Charlotte Garnes worked for 11 years as a licensed mental health and substance abuse therapist. When she was only two credits away from receiving her Ph.D. in 2013, her life completely changed. She was sentenced to five years in prison as a result of unethical billing practices performed by employees under her supervision. 


Dueña de guardería en Nueva York está en una misión para levantar a las familias de minorías con bajos ingresos

Janna Rodriguez siempre ha sido una líder activa en su comunidad—cuando tenía 16 años, ella comenzó a trabajar como voluntaria en campañas políticas, desde la junta escolar de su localidad hasta las elecciones presidenciales. En 2018, su espíritu emprendedor la llevó a establecer Innovative Daycare Corp. en Long Island, Nueva York. Su misión es asegurar que los niños de minorías en su comunidad tengan los recursos y privilegios que tienen los niños en otras comunidades.


Rural veterinary hospital thrives despite challenging hiring market

West Branch Veterinary Services in West Branch, Mich. was the winner of our 2019 Small Business Saturday photo contest.

For over 40 years, patients of all shapes and sizes have been greeted with warm smiles, friendly scratches and yummy treats at West Branch Veterinary Services. Dr. Timothy Eyth first opened the hospital’s doors in 1976 with the hopes of providing exemplary care and comfort for pets and pet parents alike. Current owner Dr. Scott Smith, who acquired the practice in 2009, has worked tirelessly every day since to continue his legacy with great success. The 15-employee hospital serves a massive region due to the fact they are in a rural area that caters to both year-round residents and vacationers who come with their pets to enjoy the outdoors. 


Small business ownership is the solution for this growing family

When Camille Kustin visited Paul’s Automotive in Sacramento, Calif., for the first time, she didn’t plan to stay longer than it took technician Mike Spellman to repair her car. Seven years and three kids later, the two are working side by side at that very same shop, which Mike now owns.


New York Small Businesses Support Publicly Administered Family and Medical Leave Insurance Pools

Small Business Majority
lunes, diciembre 16, 2013

Small business owners in the Empire State have been working tirelessly to pull the state’s economy back from the brink of the Great Recession. The long hours and commitment they put into their businesses are rivaled only by their employees, whose hard work is crucial to the success of the business. That’s why New York small business owners feel it makes good business sense to take care of their employees, as it’s crucial they retain a loyal, talented workforce.

Small Businesses Support Family Medical Leave

Small Business Majority
viernes, septiembre 27, 2013

Small business owners have been working tirelessly to pull the economy back from the brink of the Great Recession. The long hours and commitment they put into their businesses is rivaled only by their employees, whose hard work is crucial to the success of the business. That’s why small business owners feel it makes good business sense to take care of their employees, as it’s crucial they retain a loyal, talented workforce.

Opinion Poll: Small Businesses Support Workplace Nondiscrimination Policies

Small Business Majority
martes, junio 4, 2013

Small business owners nationwide are doing all they can to strengthen their businesses and put the Great Recession’s effects behind them. Now more than ever, it’s critical they have the help of smart employment laws allowing them to attract and retain the best talent. National scientific opinion polling shows the vast majority of small business owners believe we’re long overdue for federal and state policies protecting all workers from discrimination, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Opinion Poll: Small Businesses Support Increasing Minimum Wage

Small Business Majority
miércoles, abril 24, 2013

Small business owners nationwide are recovering from the Great Recession and slowly fortifying their businesses. It is the jobs these small businesses provide and the consumers they serve that keeps our recovery moving. Entrepreneurs nationwide recognize we need to foster this trend. According to a national scientific opinion poll conducted for Small Business Majority, small business owners widely agree our federal minimum wage should increase so that small business employees and consumers have more money in their pockets. 
