Policy Statements

Browse the full list of our regulatory comments and legislative testimony below, or filter by state or national to view our federal and state-based policy work.

jueves, junio 18, 2020 | National

On June 18, Small Business Majority called on U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza to develop an oversight mechanism of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). In a letter sent to the Administration, Small Business Majority proposed a straightforward approach to collecting relevant borrower information, while making publicly available only the full data of the highest 15% of borrowers.

jueves, junio 4, 2020 | CO

Colorado Outreach Manager Lindsey Vigoda testifed in support of the Colorado Secure Savings Program, which would ensure that Colorado's entrepreneurs and small business employees are able to access retirement benefits and secure their future. 

martes, mayo 12, 2020 | National

Small Business Majority filed an amicus brief today with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Texas v. U.S., which has challenged the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The brief urges the Supreme Court to fully uphold the Affordable Care Act and outlines how the law has benefited small businesses, self-employed entrepreneurs and small business employees who previously struggled to access quality, affordable health coverage.

martes, mayo 12, 2020 | CA

Small Business Majority submitted a letter of support to Chairman Jim Wood (CA-D) on AB 2118, which as introduced would require health plans and insurers to undertake overall rate reporting in the individual and small group insurance markets.

miércoles, abril 8, 2020 | National

Amidst reports that small business owners around the country are waiting days and weeks to receive their Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) funds and that borrowers are not receiving their loan advances as required by the recent stimulus package, Small Business Majority sent a letter to the U.S. Small Business Administration demanding that they address this issue and ensure better communication and efficiency in the loan process. 

miércoles, abril 8, 2020 | National

Today, Small Business Majority submitted comments to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation regarding proposed rules changes to the Community Reinvestment Act. Some of Small Business Majority's concerns include that these proposed changes would negatively impact underserved entrepreneurs in low and moderate income (LMI) communities and disincentive banks from making qualified smaller-dollar loans that are the lifeblood of small businesses. 

domingo, marzo 22, 2020 | National

A growing number of small businesses nationwide are calling on Congress and the Administration to provide a massive and bold stimulus package for Main Street. 

domingo, marzo 22, 2020 | National

On March 22, Small Business Majority sent a letter to Senate and House leadership calling on Congress to provide immediate grant assistance to small businessses being harmed by COVID-19. 

jueves, marzo 12, 2020

As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise throughout the country, so does its impact on our economy. From stock market dips to decreased foot traffic in thriving neighborhoods, it's vital that our federal and state officials enact short and long-term policies that will offset these effects, particularly for our small business community, whose success is critical to our nation's economic health. Focusing on key policy issues will help support America's job creators. 

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jueves, marzo 12, 2020 | CO

Colorado Director Hunter Railey testifed in support of the Colorado Affordable Health Care Option, which would ensure that Colorado's entrepreneurs and small business employees have access to more affordable health coverage choices, while also helping to control costs throughout the state. 
