Centro de acción
La pandemia de COVID-19 ha dejado a las pequeñas empresas y empresarios de Estados Unidos al borde del colapso. Únase a la lista de propietarios y defensores de pequeñas empresas de todo el país quienes han firmado esta carta para urgir a nuestros miembros del Congreso a que apoyen las pequeñas empresas durante y después de la pandemia de COVID-19.
When healthcare and prescription drug costs continue to rise, employers must either absorb those or pass them on to their employees. And with drug prices continuing to rise, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to purchase life saving medications for myself, my employees and their families.
Currently the federal Truth in Lending Act (TILA) requires that consumer creditors disclose critical financing information, including annual percentage rate (APR), in a clear and comparable format. However, Congress has yet to extend these disclosure requirements to small business loans and other credit products, which means small businesses are vulnerable to irresponsible lenders. As small businesses recover from the pandemic, it should go without saying that transparent lending shouldn’t be up for debate.
A paid family and medical leave program in Georgia would allow small business owners and their employees to contribute to an insurance pool that would help provide access to paid leave when employees need time to care for their families. At the same time, it would help small businesses compete with larger employers that can afford to offer paid family and medical leave on their own. What’s more, these programs find strong support among the small business community. We urge lawmakers to move forward and pass a paid family and medical leave program in 2025.
Small Business Majority maintains a story bank that chronicles the personal experiences of small business owners across the United States. In today’s world, entrepreneurs like you often make tough decisions affecting their bottom line, and we want to hear about them. We are committed to ensuring your voice is heard by policymakers on some of the most important issues affecting small businesses so we can advocate on your behalf.