D.C. Circuit Court Ruling to Block Clean Air Standards a Disappointment for Small Business

Para Publicación Inmediata: 
martes, agosto 21, 2012

Statement by John Arensmeyer, founder and CEO of Small Business Majority, regarding the federal appeals court ruling sending the Environmental Protection Agency's interstate pollution standard back for revision:

The U.S. federal appeals court ruling today blocking the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule is a major letdown for hardworking small business owners across the nation who support this standard. According to Small Business Majority's scientific opinion polling, 73 percent of entrepreneurs favor the rule, designed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce smog and soot crossing state lines.

Forcing the EPA to revise the standard, also known as the Good Neighbor Rule, threatens the economic benefits it could produce for small business and the economy, while also limiting the authority of the agency responsible for implementing many rules small business owners support.

In fact, a strong majority of entrepreneurs, 71 percent, agree government has a role in driving our country toward a cleaner, more competitive economy. Considering this broad support for government investment in clean energy, it's no wonder the Good Neighbor Rule is popular, despite 52 percent of entrepreneurs saying it would impact their business directly.

Small business owners are our nation's chief job creators, and today, their needs were ignored. They support important updates the EPA is making to smog and soot standards. The appeals court choosing to block those standards is a disappointment that does nothing to help small business owners who could reap financial benefits a competitive clean energy economy offers.

Who is the Small Business Majority?

Small Business Majority is a national small business advocacy organization, founded and run by small business owners, to support America's 28 million small businesses. We conduct extensive opinion and economic research and work with our rapidly growing network of small business owners across the country to ensure their voices are an integral part of the public policy debate. Learn more about us on Wikipedia and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We also host the Health Coverage Guide, an independent, unbiased source of information for small businesses about health insurance.