Our Research

miércoles, octubre 21, 2020 | CA
Workforce training

On October 21, Small Business Majority released a new report on small business challenges in hiring and training employees in California and their struggles accessing the broader workforce development ecosystem. The report reveals findings from an online survey of small business owners across the state, as well as separate focus group discussions, interviews and other convenings that provide insights into the ways small business owners approach hiring and training. It also provides recommendations for stakeholders to better engage their local small employers.

martes, octubre 20, 2020 | National

This is the fifth in a series of COVID-19 related surveys Small Business Majority has released of its network. Over time Small Business Majority has tracked the economic conditions facing small businesses, how well federal stimulus programs have served its network, the small business owners' views of proposed stimulus provisions, and other issues of importance. 

jueves, agosto 27, 2020 | National
COVID-19 survey

Small Business Majority released its fourth survey of its national network of 70,000 small business owners conducted during the pandemic to assess the current state of small business and gauge their views on possible relief measures. The survey also revealed the extent to which PPP and EIDL have served small businesses during the crisis. The survey found many small businesses continue to face an uncertain future without additional relief, with 1 in 4 reporting they won't survive past three months and 16% considering bankruptcy. 

miércoles, agosto 5, 2020 | National
Small business survey

As Congress continues to debate the next round of stimulus relief, Small Business Majority surveyed its national network of small business owners to gauge their views on key small business proposals currently on the table.

miércoles, julio 1, 2020 | National
Small business owner wearing mask

As the Paycheck Protection Program neared its expiration, Small Business Majority surveyed its national network of small business owners to better understand how businesses have benefited from PPP.

jueves, mayo 28, 2020 | National
PPP Loan Application

Small Business Majority surveyed its national network of small business owners to better understand who has benefited from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) created by the CARES Act, and to shed a light on their concerns with the program. The survey reveals a strong majority of small businesses have applied for a PPP loan, but most are worried about having the loan forgiven. 

martes, abril 21, 2020 | CA
Business closed

It’s no secret that California has been hard hit by the spread of COVID-19, with a vast 2.7 million applying for unemployment in the past four weeks, and the impacts have been particularly severe on small businesses that have seen their revenues take a nosedive overnight. With the economy on pause, Main Street has been left to cope with how to stay afloat during this unprecedented time.

martes, abril 14, 2020 | National

It’s no secret that the spread of COVID-19 around the country has already had a devastating impact on small businesses. With the economy on pause and uncertainty gripping communities across the country, Main Street has been left to cope with how to stay afloat during this unprecedented time.

martes, marzo 10, 2020 | CA
Paid Family Leave photo

California Governor Newsom and state policymakers are discussing options to further expand California's Paid Family Leave program and ensure more Californians are able to utilize it by increasing wage replacement, extending the amount of leave time available and expanding job protection status for parental leave. As with any discussion of workplace benefits and employment laws, the impact to small business is central to this debate. New scientific opinion polling sheds light on their views on the different proposals and reveals they are in fact supportive of numerous options on the table. 

martes, agosto 13, 2019 | National, IL, MO, VA, WI
Open for business

Policymakers at all levels, from town councils to the halls of Capitol Hill, emphasize the challenges of small businesses as a key talking point during political debates. But new opinion polling in four states—Illinois, Missouri, Virginia and Wisconsin—reveals small businesses feel their government officials don’t actually understand their challenges, and they support a wide array of policies to address their needs, some of which might come as a surprise to their elected officials.
