Opinion Poll: Small Business Support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Across all industries and from one end of the political spectrum to the other, small business owners recognize that without comprehensive immigration reform, U.S. small firms and the economy cannot maximize job creation or revenue generation. New scientific polling shows that the vast majority of them believe our current immigration system isn’t working, and they’re eager to fix the broken system. Our primary job creators agree something must be done because immigration is good for America and good for small business. Moreover, these entrepreneurs show widespread support for the bipartisan immigration reform proposal in the Senate.
Key Findings
Nine in 10 small business owners recognize that our current immigration system isn’t working: A sweeping 88% of small businesses agree our immigration system is broken: 38% believe the system needs a complete overhaul and 50% believe it needs major improvement.
Nine in 10 entrepreneurs recognize our immigration system is broken
How would you describe the overall federal immigration system today?
The vast majority of small business owners support the bipartisan Senate proposal aimed at reforming our immigration system: Given the clear need for comprehensive reform, the current bipartisan Senate plan garners overwhelming support among small business owners: 84% of entrepreneurs support the proposal—including 86% of Republicans.
Vast majority of small business owners support bipartisan immigration reform proposal
Do you favor or oppose the bipartisan immigration reform plan being worked on in the Senate?
The majority agrees that the most appropriate solution for handling our 11 million undocumented immigrants is to create a path toward citizenship: A vast three-quarters agree we would be better off if people who are in the country illegally became legal taxpayers, so they pay their fair share and can work toward citizenship in the future. That’s three times the percentage (26%) who say we would be better off if people who are in the country illegally were forced to leave the country because they’re taking Americans jobs.
Small businesses support creating an earned path to citizenship
Please indicate whether you agree with the first statement much more, the first statement somewhat more, the second statement somewhat more, or the second statement much more.
Strong majorities of small business owners agree it’s important to increase the number of both high and low skilled foreign workers legally allowed into the U.S.: 74% of small business owners agree it’s important for the country and the overall economy to allow more high skilled foreign workers who might work in the high tech industries into this country legally. In addition, 64% believe we should allow more low skilled foreign workers who might work in the agricultural, restaurant or service industries into this country legally.
Entrepreneurs see importance of legally admitting high and low skilled immigrants to U.S.