
Small Business Majority ofrece un conjunto de programas y recursos educativos para propietarios de pequeñas empresas, sus empleados y empresarios autónomos para impulsarlos a iniciar y hacer crecer sus empresas. Lo hacemos a través de presentaciones educativas y mesas redondas, así como proporcionando recursos en línea, boletines, videos y más. Nos asociamos con organizaciones empresariales nacionales, estatales y locales para co-organizar eventos en persona y en línea y compartir actualizaciones importantes e información con los propietarios de pequeñas empresas. También ayudamos a los propietarios de pequeñas empresas en estados claves a comprender cómo les afectaría la legislación que se debate en el capitolio estatal.

Junto con nuestra atareada oficina en Washington D.C., tenemos oficinas en el área de la Bahía de San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Ángeles, Chicago, Denver y Atlanta.

Upcoming Events Nationwide

martes, mayo 28, 2024
2:30pm ET

Since its inception more than 70 years ago, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has helped millions of small businesses across the country access the capital and resources needed to thrive and grow.

Event type: Access to Capital, General Small Business, Business assistance Workshop
Location: National
jueves, mayo 30, 2024
5:30pm MT

Business owners are reliant on a robust childcare infrastructure to support their workforce. However, there are currently not enough childcare investments that supplement the needs of small business owners and their employees.

Event type: Access to Capital, Women's entrepreneurship, Workforce Issues, General Small Business, Rural Entrepreneurship, Minority Entrepreneurship, Business assistance, Childcare, Fair Competition Webinar
Location: CO;MT;ND;SD;UT;WY
jueves, junio 6, 2024
10:00am MT

Recruiting and retaining a strong workforce is one of the top issues facing small business owners today. Federal investments in workforce development have the potential to create a skilled workforce to grow your business!

Event type: Access to Capital, Women's entrepreneurship, Workforce Issues, General Small Business, Rural Entrepreneurship, Minority Entrepreneurship, Business assistance, Childcare, Fair Competition Webinar
Location: CO;MT;ND;SD;UT;WY
miércoles, julio 24, 2024
10:00am MT

Recruiting and retaining a strong workforce is one of the top issues facing small business owners today. Apprenticeships are often great ways for small businesses to tap into a skilled workforce and grow their talent pipeline with on site work experience.

Event type: Access to Capital, Women's entrepreneurship, Workforce Issues, General Small Business, Rural Entrepreneurship, Minority Entrepreneurship, Business assistance, Childcare, Fair Competition Webinar
Location: CO;MT;ND;SD;UT;WY
jueves, septiembre 19, 2024
10:00am MT

Recent technology has advanced entrepreneurs and their ability to reach customers and innovate to create efficiency within their businesses. However, these gifts also pose a threat to the security of the nation’s small business owners.

Event type: Access to Capital, Women's entrepreneurship, Workforce Issues, General Small Business, Rural Entrepreneurship, Minority Entrepreneurship, Business assistance, Childcare, Fair Competition Webinar
Location: CO;MT;ND;SD;UT;WY
