Our Research

martes, mayo 15, 2012 | CO

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our nation’s workforce. We depend on them to keep local communities and economies thriving, which in turn boosts our national economy. But in the current fiscal climate, many of them are having a hard time turning a profit.

jueves, mayo 10, 2012 | VA

Small businesses account for a significant share of Virginia’s economy. For every one large business in Virginia, there are 50 small businesses diligently working to reenergize the state’s economy. These entrepreneurs are doing everything they can to hire, grow and move their businesses forward.

miércoles, mayo 9, 2012 | National

Congress included in the Affordable Care Act a significant new tax credit for small business owners who provide their workers with health insurance.

miércoles, mayo 9, 2012 | CA

Congress included in the Affordable Care Act a significant new tax credit for small business owners who provide their workers with health insurance.

martes, abril 24, 2012 | National

Small business owners across the country are working to rebuild our economy. These entrepreneurs, the engine of job creation, are doing everything they can to hire, grow and move their businesses forward.

jueves, marzo 29, 2012 | National

In the aftermath of the recession, small business owners are doing all they can to shift our economy back into gear. But many of them are still idling, if not completely stalled. To thrive and reach their full potential, small businesses need a more level economic playing field with large businesses—one that makes them better able to create jobs.

lunes, febrero 6, 2012 | National

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and create the vast majority of new jobs, yet as these poll findings make clear, small business owners believe large corporations and wealthy Americans pay less than their fair share of taxes. Poll respondents support specific reforms to address the problem.

lunes, febrero 6, 2012 | National

Health insurance exchanges are the most important component of healthcare reform for small businesses. These marketplaces will allow small businesses and individuals to band together to purchase insurance, which will lower their healthcare costs and allow more of them and their employees to get quality healthcare coverage. 

miércoles, febrero 1, 2012 | National

Rhetoric blaming government regulations for a lack of small business growth and our stagnant economy has reached a fever pitch. Legislators have introduced bills aimed at curbing regulations, believing this would stimulate our sluggish economy. While lawmakers are right to view small business as the key to economic recovery, small businesses don’t see regulations as their No. 1 concern.

jueves, enero 26, 2012 | National

Small business owners are suffering from weak sales and decreased customer demand, and on top of that, a lack of access to credit. It is difficult for small business owners to access the credit that will help them grow, hire and jumpstart the economy.
