Our Research

martes, marzo 4, 2014 | National

As the U.S. continues to suffer from bouts of extreme weather, including record storms across much of the country and droughts in the West, small employers are feeling the strain.

martes, marzo 4, 2014 | VA

Extreme weather events have been front-page news lately, especially with the U.S. experiencing record storms across much of the country and devastating droughts in the West. Research shows small businesses are especially susceptible to financial ruin after an extreme weather event. 

jueves, febrero 27, 2014 | MI

Extreme weather events have been front-page news lately, especially with the U.S. experiencing record storms across much of the country and devastating droughts in the West. Research shows small businesses are especially susceptible to financial ruin after an extreme weather event. 

miércoles, enero 22, 2014 | WA

Though the U.S. is slowly recovering from the effects of the Great Recession, Washington small business owners and their employees are facing another financial crisis: retirement security.

lunes, diciembre 16, 2013 | NY

Small business owners in the Empire State have been working tirelessly to pull the state’s economy back from the brink of the Great Recession. The long hours and commitment they put into their businesses are rivaled only by their employees, whose hard work is crucial to the success of the business.

lunes, noviembre 25, 2013 | OH

In the wake of the Great Recession, small business nationwide and in Ohio are doing all they can to strengthen and grow their businesses. Small business owners are constantly looking for innovative ways to help their businesses run more efficiently.

viernes, septiembre 27, 2013 | National

Small business owners have been working tirelessly to pull the economy back from the brink of the Great Recession. The long hours and commitment they put into their businesses is rivaled only by their employees, whose hard work is crucial to the success of the business.

jueves, julio 25, 2013 | National

Small businesses are particularly at risk from climate change and the extreme weather events it causes and must take steps to adapt, according to a new report Small Business Majority released on July 25, 2013. 

martes, junio 25, 2013 | National

Extreme weather and climate change have become real business threats for small businesses across the country. Scientific opinion polling conducted for Small Business Majority found nearly six in 10 small businesses believe climate change and extreme weather events are an urgent problem that can disrupt the economy and harm small businesses. 

martes, junio 4, 2013 | National, MI, MO, NC, OH, PA

Small business owners nationwide are doing all they can to strengthen their businesses and put the Great Recession’s effects behind them. Now more than ever, it’s critical they have the help of smart employment laws allowing them to attract and retain the best talent.
