Presentation to Discuss Colorado's Proposed New Family and Medical Leave Insurance Law

For Immediate Release: 
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Interactive presentation open to all small businesses; chance for entrepreneurs to learn about Colorado's proposed Family Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program and how it would affect small business owners

DENVER—TiE Rockies, in conjunction with small business organization Small Business Majority and women's rights group 9to5, will host a morning presentation on April 3, 2015, on the state's proposed Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program and how it would impact small employers.

Under the proposed legislation, employees would receive wage replacement when they take leave for serious illness and temporary disability to take care of an ill parent, child, spouse (including civil unions and domestic partners), or for the birth or adoption of a new child. Polling released by Small Business Majority found six in 10 small business owners support publicly administered family and medical leave insurance pools, paid with payroll contributions by employees.

"These types of policies help level the playing field between small businesses that want to offer this benefit but can't afford to, and their larger counterparts that can," said Molly Berger, Executive Director, TiE Rockies. "Interactive dialogues like these are a great way for small businesses to get the information they need to understand the proposed new program, and for us to get feedback on their thoughts and concerns."

This free presentation, which is open to all Colorado small business owners, will feature Small Business Majority's Colorado Outreach Manager, Tim Gaudette, who will provide an overview of the proposed program, discuss its potential impacts to small businesses and explain how entrepreneurs could take advantage of its benefits, if passed.

A question and answer period will follow the discussion.

"Many small business owners think of their employees as family, so they support policies that enable them to foster a happier workforce while protecting their workers and their bottom line," Gaudette said. "Small employers need to know how proposed programs, like the one Colorado is considering, can help them. This event provides small business owners and entrepreneurs the information they need to familiarize themselves with the proposed FAMLI program."

The presentation will take place on Friday, April 3, 2015, from 7:30am to 9:00am (MT) at the Innovation Pavilion, 9200 E Mineral Ave, Centennial, CO 80112.

Small business owners can register for the presentation by clicking either of the links below:

For more information, please contact Tim Gaudette at: [email protected]

About TiE Rockies
TiE Rockies supports entrepreneurs in the entire Front Range through its award-winning mentoring program, education and networking.


About 9to5
With forty-one years of experience in winning justice for working women, 9to5 leads the way to create a powerful force for change on issues affecting low-wage women and their families.

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