California Small Business Owner Highlight

Deb Rock

La salsa picante de Deb Ramirez Rock, la cual proviene de Sonoma, Calif., ha sido su proyecto de pasión por más de siete años, pero después de una serie de eventos impredecibles–empezando con un incendio forestal en el 2019 que destruyó sus cosechas–ha sido una batalla cuesta arriba para hacer su salsa picante orgánica y local. 

California Events

viernes, mayo 10, 2024 | 3:00pm ET

Small business owners often don’t have the resources or legal expertise to fend off the anti-competitive tactics found in concentrated industries.

Webinar | National
miércoles, mayo 22, 2024 | 02:00pm PT

Entrepreneurs bring immense value to our communities and it's essential to foster independence and financial security in order to form a more equitable economy.

Workshop | CA
martes, mayo 28, 2024 | 2:30pm ET

Since its inception more than 70 years ago, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has helped millions of small businesses across the country access the capital and resources needed to thrive and grow.

Workshop | National

California Policy

Browse our latest state-based regulatory comments and legislative testimony in this area below, or click the button to view all records.
viernes, marzo 1, 2024

Small Business Majority is enacting a comprehensive state policy agenda to ensure entrepreneurship is recognized as the lifeforce of a thriving and inclusive economy in California. Our state’s 4.1 million small businesses employ 7.5 million people, which amounts to nearly half of the private workforce.  

lunes, septiembre 18, 2023

More than 80 small business owners and advocates signed on to Small Business Majority's letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom in support of passing SB 33, which preserves a cornerstone of SB 1235 by requiring APR disclosure for all commercial financing products.

martes, abril 11, 2023

On April 11, Small Business Majority's California Policy Director Bianca Blomquist testified before the Assembly Committee on Arts, Tourism, Sports and Entertainment in support of AB 1669, legislation that would establish the California Historically Significant District Program, an important program that can revitalize and support historically and culturally significant commercial cor

martes, abril 4, 2023

On April 4, Small Business Majority's California Policy Director Bianca Blomquist submitted a letter in support of AB 1392, legislation that would require large hospitals to submit a plan to the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) to increase procurement from minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises.

California Research

Wed, 07/12/2023
Mother and child working

As the California Legislature considers updating the state’s small business paid family leave and sick day policies, a new poll shows that small businesses owners strongly support expanding family leave protections and other benefits to their employees, including increasing the amount of paid sick days that employees can take. 

Tue, 08/31/2021

California lawmakers are weighing a proposal to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test for customers at consumer-facing businesses and to similarly require employers to mandate vaccinations or negative COVID-19 tests for employees. New opinion polling from Small Business Majority reveals that small businesses in California are supportive of proposals to mandate vaccinations and testing at places of business to help ensure local economies can operate safely, amid setbacks from the current surge in COVID-19 cases.

Tue, 02/23/2021
Banking online

Nearly a year into the COVID-19 pandemic that has strained California’s economy and public health system, small businesses across the state continue to experience significant financial setbacks. A new survey of California small business owners reveals that their struggles are being exacerbated by challenges accessing capital, and they strongly support policy solutions that would deliver the financial relief they need to survive this year-long crisis.

California Resources

La ley de licencia remunerada por enfermedad de California permite a los empleados tomarse un tiempo libre del trabajo para atender su salud o la enfermedad de un miembro de la familia sin perder un cheque de pago.

Este documento está previsto para responder cualquier pregunta que los pequeños empleadores puedan tener sobre la ley de licencia remunerada por enfermedad de California y sus efectos en los propietarios de pequeñas empresas y sus trabajadores.

El Programa de Ahorros para Jubilación CalSavers es un programa portátil de ahorros para la jubilación en el lugar de trabajo para trabajadores del sector privado cuyos empleadores no tienen un programa de ahorros para jubilación. CalSalvers es administrado por el estado y financiado por modestas contribuciones de los empleados, lo cual implica requisitos mínimos para los empleadores. A continuación se muestra una descripción general de lo que las pequeñas empresas necesitan saber acerca del programa.

El programa de Licencia Familiar Remunerada de California (PFL, por sus siglas en inglés) brinda beneficios de reemplazo de salario a los trabajadores que necesitan tomarse un tiempo libre del trabajo para vincularse con un nuevo hijo o para cuidar a un familiar gravemente enfermo.

Este documento está previsto para responder cualquier pregunta que los pequeños empleadores puedan tener sobre el programa PFL de California y sus efectos en los propietarios de pequeñas empresas y sus trabajadores.