Our Research: Access to Capital

Small business owners are suffering from a lack of access to capital. It is difficult for small business owners to access the capital that will help them grow, hire and jumpstart the economy. Our new opinion polling shows an overwhelming 90% of small business owners nationwide agree the availability of capital for small businesses is a problem.

Tue, 12/12/2017

Access to capital is consistently one of the most pressing issues for small business owners. A recent survey conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research for Small Business Majority found California small business owners are worried about predatory lending and agree that there should be stronger regulations on online lending. The poll was a national online survey of 500 small business owners with an oversample of 141 California small business owners and conducted between September 29 and October 4, 2017.

Tue, 12/12/2017
Access to capital thumbnail

Scientific opinion polling found small business owners think predatory lending practices are a problem, and they overwhelmingly support stronger regulations on alternative lenders to ensure they have safe, responsible access to capital.

Wed, 05/04/2016

Colorado small business owners soundly reject efforts to increase the interest rates lenders can charge on certain consumer loans, and the results of a new Small Business Majority poll of state small business owners strongly suggest state legislators who support such increases would pay the price at the election booth.

Wed, 01/27/2016

Scientific opinion polling found the majority of millennials who own a business or would like to start one at some point say student debt and a lack of retirement savings plan are barriers to entrepreneurship.

In every aspect of building a thriving society and economy—from addressing long-term unemployment to providing high quality jobs—American entrepreneurship represents a pathway to success, particularly among young Americans who struggled to get their foot in the door during the Great Recession...

Tue, 01/29/2013

Small businesses are working hard to move their companies, and our economy, beyond the recession. As much as they’ve already accomplished to lift employment levels, these entrepreneurs are not immune to the lingering effects of our disrupted financial market, and they want smart steps taken to address their needs.

Wed, 09/12/2012

American small businesses create 65 percent of all net new jobs and employ roughly half of all workers in the private sector. According to the Kauffman Foundation, businesses founded between 1970 and 2000 (some of which grew into large businesses during those years) provided all net private sector job growth during that timeframe.

Thu, 01/26/2012

Small business owners are suffering from weak sales and decreased customer demand, and on top of that, a lack of access to credit. It is difficult for small business owners to access the credit that will help them grow, hire and jumpstart the economy.
