Mark Herbert, California Director for Small Business Majority, submitted a letter in support of the California Prompt Payment bill (AB 1552), which would require all public utilities to promptly pay vendors that submit valid invoices. Prompt payment measures such as this will help small businesses compete more effectively in bidding processes for contracts. The bill requires that public utilities will be required to pay vendor invoices within 30 days.
Policy Statements
Small Business Majority Northeast Director submitted written testimony in support of Connecticut's SB1: An Act Concerning Paid Family and Medical Leave. The bill, which will provide workers in Connecticut with up to 12 weeks of paid leave a year to bond with a new child or care for a seriously ill family member, will benefit business by lowering turnover, boosting productivity and enhancing employee morale.
Small Business Majority submitted a letter in support of California's Health Care Market Fairness Act of 2017 (SB 538), which would lower costs and improve value for California's entrepreneurs and the more than six million Californians who work for small businesses. It seeks to ensure lower costs by changing hospital contracting practices.
On February 7, Small Business M
Small Business Majority writes regarding the proposed changes to the definition of an “employer,” which would broaden the criteria for when employers are able to join association health plans (or AHPs).
Small Business Majority offered testimony on the Ohio Fairness Act, which would revise Ohio’s nondiscrimination code to include protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. The bill will ensure that all of Ohio’s citizens receive equal protections in employment and public accommodations. Implementing nondiscrimination policies improve small businesses' ability to attract and retain the best and brightest employees and help draw in more customers, which is good for business.
Small Business Majority submitted a letter to the California Assembly in support of California's Homemade Food Operartions Act (AB 626), which will help legitimize and create a legal framework for microenterprise home kitchen operations in the state. It will improve public health safeguards around the existing informal food economy by legalizing small-scale home food operations and ensuring health and safety standards. Finally, the bill will enable home cooks—mostly women, immigrants, and people of color—to use their skills to generate income.
Erik Rettig, Mid-Atlantic Director for Small Business Majority, testified on October 10, 2017 in support of implementation of Washington, D.C.'s paid family leave legislation. The law establishes a paid leave system that provides up to eight weeks of paid family and medical leave to allow employees to care for a newborn baby, six to provide care for a family member or two to recuperate themselves from a serious illness. The testimony explained how implementing this law will benefit, not burden, small businesses.