Small Business Majority writes to urge the California Legislature to include funding for healthcare solutions in that will expand access to affordable coverage in the 2018-2019 State Budget. Some of the requests include: extending Medical access to all income-eligible undocumented adults and to consider enacting a California alternative to the ACA's individual mandate to maintain the robustness of the marketplaces.
Policy Statements
Small Business Majority writes in support of California's Angel Investor Bill, AB 2758. The legislation would would support qualifiying small businesses struggling to find financing by creating a tax credit of 5% to angel investors that invest in businesses with less than $2 million in gross receipts. Additionally, the legislation prioritizes investor applications from those investing in traditionally underrepresented businesses.
Small Business Majority writes in support of California's Angel Investor Bill, AB 2758. The legislation would support qualifiying small businesses struggling to find financing by creating a tax credit of 5% to angel investors that invest in businesses with less than $2 million in gross receipts. Additionally, the legislation prioritizes investor applications from those investing in traditionally underrepresented businesses.
Small Business Majority writes in support of California Bill AB 2023, which would make the existing Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit refundable, expanding benefits to California’s low- and moderate-income working families. The legislation would ensure that money is put back in the pockets of working families in our state who are struggling to afford the child care they need to participate in the workforce.
Small Business Majority writes to both the California State Assembly as well as California State Senate in support of AB 2965/S 974, which would expand MediCal coverage to undocumented immigrants. Extending this coverage would drastically decrease the number of remaining uninsured in the state, as roughly 1.8 million undocumented Californians are without healthcare coverage (more than half of the total uninsured).
Small Business Majority writes in support of California Bill AB 2499, which would ensure premium dollars are spent on actual healthcare expenses rather than administrative costs. This bill will codify existing ACA medical loss ratios of 80/20 for the individual market and 85/15 for the large group market into California law to reinforce the state’s commitment to affordability.
Small Business Majority writes in support of Illinois Bill HB 4165 HA 1, the Do Not Harm Healthcare Act. The bill would bring more stability and certainty to healthcare marketplaces in Illinois.
Small Business Majority submitted a letter in support of California's net neutrality bill (SB 822), which would enforce net neutrality at the state level. It allows the state to ensure internet service providers (ISPs) are allowing equal access to the network.
Small Business Majority writes in support of AB 3148, which would provide additional cost sharing assistance to help those eligible for assistance to better afford their copays and deductibles, which would directly benefit many of California’s small businesses, their employees and self-employed entrepreneurs. AB 3148 would significantly improve affordability for thousands of low- and moderate-income individuals and families, including many entrepreneurs and small business employees, by ensuring that no one is unable to use the insurance they have.
Small Business Majority has written in support of AB 2565, which would extend additional assistance to individuals who qualify for premium subsidies but still struggle to access affordable healthcare. The legislation would significantly improve affordability for thousands of low- and moderate-income individuals and families, including many entrepreneurs and small business employees, by ensuring that no one would spend more than 8% of their income on health insurance premiums.