On March 17, Small Business Majority submitted a letter to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee in support of the proposed prescription drug affordability board in Colorado, which would help lower the cost of drug prescriptions for small business owners and enable wider access to life-saving medication.
Policy Statements
Colorado Director Lindsey Vigoda testified to the Colorado House Business Affairs & Labor Committee in support of House Bill 21-1167, which would cap retainage for all public and private entities at 5% and allow small construction and subcontract firms to be more competitive against larger firms.
Small Business Majority wrote to the Georgia Senate Finance Committee to request that language establishing a state earned income tax credit (EITC) be added to HB 593, the Tax Relief Act of 2021. This would put money directly in the pockets of small business owners and stimulate local economies.
Small Business Majority submitted a letter to the Georgia Senate Finance Committee to ask them to remove legislation implementing a CAPCO tax credit program from HB 587, which would provide $150 million worth of tax credits to “certified capital companies.” The CAPCO model is fundamentally flawed and this money would be much better spent directly supporting Georgia's small businesses.
Today, Small Business Majority submitted a letter to the U.S. House Committee on Small Business urging for members to immediately pass the PPP Extension Act of 2021, which would extend the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) application period to May 31, 2021 and allow the U.S. Small Business Administration to process loans until June 30, 2021. Congress must pass the PPP Extension Act of 2021 immediately so that small businesses can acquire adequate funding to keep their doors open during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today, Small Business Majority submitted a letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions urging for members to swiftly confirm Julie Su as President Biden's nominee for Deputy Secretary of Labor. Ms. Su is the current Secretary for the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency and has a distinguished career. Small Business Majority has worked closely with Secretary Su to support workforce issues in California, including the Future of Work Commission and the Employer Training Panel, which she oversaw.
On March 10, Small Business Majority wrote Governor Ralph Northam to ask him to amend HB2174 to lower the employee number threshold from 25 employees to five employees and to remove the 30-hour work requirement for employees, as the bill originally stipulated.
Today, Small Business Majority submitted a letter calling on the Small Business Administration (SBA) to reopen the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for all self-employed individuals and sole proprietors who previously received PPP loan funds based on their net profits. PPP loans were originally calculated using net profits, which resulted in very low amounts after accounting for business deductions.
Small Business Majority wrote to the Illinois House Personnel & Pensions Committee in support of HB0117, which would expand Illinois Secure Choice so that employers with at least one employee may participate and auto-enroll their employees. This is an important step to supporting very small businesses and their employees who are unable to access traditional retirement programs, particularly those who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today, Small Business Majority submitted a letter to Senate leadership supporting healthcare provisions in the current iteration of the American Rescue Plan, which has vital measures that will strengthen access to healthcare and lower costs for small businesses and their employees.