On January 29, Small Business Majority's Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash submitted a letter of support for HB 7, the Health Care Affordability Fund, to the New Mexico House Committee on Appropriations. This legislation would keep funding levels constant for the Healthcare Affordability Fund, which would ensure the Fund could continue providing affordable coverage to our communities, particularly our small employers.
Policy Statements
Today, Public Policy Director, Awesta Sarkash, submitted written testimony in support of HB 737, Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program in Virginia. Ahead of the House Labor and Commerce Committee hearing, Awesta underscored the need for a state-run leave program, which would allow small businesses to offer a modernized and robust benefits package to their employees.
On January 24, Small Business Majority's Georgia Director and National Women's Entrepreneurship Director, Rachel Shanklin, testified before the Senate Health and Human Services Committee in support of the Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for Patients Act.
On January 24, Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash testified in front of the New Mexico House Health and Human Services Committee in support of HB 6, which would create a state-run paid family and medical leave program.
On January 23, Small Business Majority Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash sent a letter on behalf of the Responible Business Lending Coalition to Kansas Senate Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance Chair Jeff Longbine in opposition to SB345 as introduced. The Commerical Financing Disclosure Law fails to include annual percent rate (APR) requirements which would provide small business owners with the transparency they need to make informed decisions about financing products.
On January 23, Small Business Majority Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash sent a letter on behalf of the Responible Business Lending Coalition to Missouri Senate Committee on Insurance and Banking Chair Sandy Crawford in opposition of SB753 as introduced. The Commerical Financing Disclosure Law fails to include annual percent rate (APR) requirements which would provide small business owners with the transparency they need to make informed decisions about financing products.
On January 17, Small Business Majority Founder and CEO John Arensmeyer testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Budget at a hearing on closing corporate loopholes that reward offshoring jobs and profits in the tax code. He shared comments on initiatives to bring parity to the tax code and recover lost revenue that would greatly support the small business community.
On January 10, Small Business Majority's Georgia Director and National Women's Entrepreneurship Director, Rachel Shanklin, testified before the Georgia General Assembly at a hearing on Medicaid Expansion. She shared comments on the benefits of expanding healthcare coverage and its impacts to the small business ecosystem.
On December 20, Small Business Majority joined the American Sustainable Business Network, Businesses for Conservation and Climate Action, Main Street Alliance and the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce in filing an amicus brief before the United States Supreme Court. The brief argues that efforts to enable any business to circumvent regulatory statute of limitations would create uncertainty and confusion for businesses seeking to remain in compliance with the law.
On December 18, Small Business Majority CEO and Founder John Arensmeyer provided feedback on the proposed rule to update the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) regulations on unfair or deceptive practices relating to fees for goods and services.