On February 23, Small Business Majority's Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash testified before the Connecticut Joint Committee on Banking in support of SB 1032, which would enact critical protections for small business borrowers in Connecticut that are falling prey to predatory lending practices.
Policy Statements
On February 22, Small Business Majority's Georgia Director Rachel Shanklin submitted a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of of SB 157, legislation that will give Georgians a fair chance and help expand our state’s skilled workforce by making it easier for entrepreneurs and jobseekers to obtain occupational licenses.
On February 22, Small Business Majority's Georgia Director Rachel Shanklin submitted a letter to the House Committee on Judiciary Non-Civil Committee in support of HB 334, legislation that will expand record clearing, which will in turn increase workforce opportunities for Georgia small businesses.
On February 22, Small Business Majority's Colorado Director Lindsey Vigoda testified before the House Business Affairs & Labor Committee in support of HB 23-126, legislation that would remove medical debt from credit reporting and protect marginalized communities across Colorado, including small employers and their employees.
On February 21, Small Business Majority, LISC Atlanta, New Town Macon, the Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative and Albany Community Together, Inc. submitted a letter to the Georgia House Committee on Banks and Banking in opposition to HB 84, legislation that would make Georgia small businesses vulnerable to non-transparent financing providers by failing to require all providers to disclose the annual percentage rate (APR) or estimated APR.
Today, Small Business Majority, American Independent Business Alliance, American Sustainable Business Network, Main Street Alliance, and Pacific Community Ventures sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission underscoring the importance of keeping the deadline for the notice of proposed rulemaking aimed at ending non-compete agreements. As leading representatives of America's 32 million small businesses, we understand how detrimental non-compete agreements are to small businesses.
On February 15, Small Business Majority's Public Policy Director Awesta Sarkash testified before the Maryland Senate Finance Committee on SB 0496, legislation that would enact critical protections for small business borrowers in Maryland that are falling prey to predatory lending practices.
On February 15, Small Business Majority submitted a letter to the White House in response to reports that Secretary Martin Walsh is expected to depart the U.S. Department of Labor. Secretary Walsh has been an important and successful advocate for America’s workers as part of a truly inclusive economy. Should he in fact decide to leave the agency, we strongly urge you to nominate Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su to serve as the next Secretary of Labor.
Ahead of a hearing in the New Mexico Senate Tax, Business and Transportation Committee, Awesta Sarkash, Public Policy Director, submitted a letter of support for SB 11, the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act. The bill would create a state-run paid family and medical leave fund that employers and their employees can take advantage of during critical health-related moments.
Today, Public Policy Director and New Mexico Outreach Director submitted a letter to New Mexico's House Health & Human Services Committee in favor of HB 51, the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) Act. This legislation would help address the high cost of prescription drugs, which have a great impact on small business owners who are struggling to offer healthcare benefits to their employees.