Small Businesses Strongly Support Raising Fuel Efficiency Standards

Small Business Majority
Thursday, July 21, 2011

In this tough economy, small business owners struggle just to keep their doors open, let alone turn a profit and create jobs. Nevertheless, the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in small businesses, and they know that to thrive we must create new opportunities and change with the times, which explains why they favor raising fuel efficiency standards by huge margins—a step some people have wrongly described as a job killer.

Main Findings

Nine in ten owners (87%) believe it is important to increase fuel efficiency in cars and trucks. A 59 percent majority describe this as very important.

By a 4:1 margin, entrepreneurs support raising full efficiency to 60 miles per gallon. Even in Michigan, 72% support this step; just 28% oppose it. Business owners in Ohio react similarly (78% support, 22% oppose).

Press Release
