Our Research: Workforce

While small business owners spend their days concentrating on whatever their particular specialty is--be it marketing services, dry cleaning or landscaping, there's one thing they all have in common: they have to contend with a host of larger issues ranging from employee pay and benefits, medical leave issues, nondiscrimination and more. These are issues they deal with often times on a daily basis, which means they know better than most what kind of solutions would be helpful when shaping public policy. The topics below clearly outline small business owners' opinions on these important workforce topics.

Wed, 07/12/2023
Mother and child working

As the California Legislature considers updating the state’s small business paid family leave and sick day policies, a new poll shows that small businesses owners strongly support expanding family leave protections and other benefits to their employees, including increasing the amount of paid sick days that employees can take. 

Mon, 05/01/2023

Clean Slate has many implications on the small business community, which is why it’s critical that policymakers understand their views on this issue. To support this effort, Chesapeake Beach Consulting conducted two focus group discussions with small business owners on behalf of Small Business Majority. This report reveals a demonstrated need for further education and engagement around Clean Slate and criminal justice reforms, and how small businesses and the communities they serve may benefit from these policies.

Tue, 02/07/2023

Small businesses in Texas are still struggling to hire and retain a ready workforce, persistent challenges in the wake of the pandemic.

Wed, 02/01/2023

Small businesses in Ohio are still struggling to hire and retain a ready workforce, persistent challenges in the wake of the pandemic.

Wed, 02/01/2023

Small businesses in North Carolina are still struggling to hire and retain a ready workforce, persistent challenges in the wake of the pandemic.

Wed, 02/01/2023

Small businesses in Pennsylvania are still struggling to hire and retain a ready workforce, persistent challenges in the wake of the pandemic.

Wed, 01/25/2023

Small businesses in Illinois are still struggling to hire and retain a ready workforce, persistent challenges in the wake of the pandemic.

Wed, 01/25/2023

While small businesses employ nearly half (46.4%) of the private workforce in the United States, many are struggling to hire and retain a ready workforce. One viable solution to their persistent workforce challenges is the passing of Clean Slate policies, which seal and expunge certain criminal records and allow justice-impacted individuals to seek employment opportunities and entrepreneurship. Individual state analyses of small business responses in Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas found widespread support for Clean Slate policies at the state and federal level.

Wed, 01/11/2023

A new poll of Georgia small business owners reveals strong support for criminal justice reforms at the state and federal level. Georgia small businesses believe that Clean Slate policies can help employers fill gaps in their workforce and remove barriers to employment or entrepreneurship opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals.

Wed, 10/26/2022

This poll, conducted in six states – Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas – found that 84% of small business owners agreed that Clean Slate policies would open up a pool of job applicants that deserve a second chance. Regardless of political affiliation, small businesses shared support for policies that can help boost labor recruitment. Given the ongoing workforce challenges hindering small business growth, the poll results confirmed widespread backing for policies that seal or expunge qualifying criminal records from background checks. 
